Cordial Pak-Afghan relations


There have been many ups and downs in Pakistan-Afghanistan relations. Pragmatically speaking, blow hot-blow cold is how the relations between the two volatile South Asian neighbours have been, particularly in the recent past. Immediately after taking over the reins of the rugged and turmoil-ridden and war-torn country Afghanistan by incumbent President, Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, signals of peace and cooperation emanated giving birth to the hope, on both sides, that the rapidly deteriorating relations between the two volatile neighbours are about to move in the right direction. Unfortunately, however, this hope dissipated sooner than expected. The government of President Ashraf Ghani lost no opportunity in blaming Pakistan for conducting terror attacks in Afghanistan. Naturally, Pakistan tersely rejected the allegations of the Afghan government as it has always earnestly desired to see political and socioeconomic stability in Afghanistan.

Unquestionably, a politically stable and economically strong Afghanistan is in the interest of not only Pakistan but the entire region. Why would then Pakistan at all support any subversive activity, by any quarter, in Afghanistan that would destabilize the country? It is vital to the interest of both Afghanistan and Pakistan that they bury the hatchet, once and for all, and make genuine endeavours to establish mutual trust and respect among each other. This is one extremely significant element that seems to be conspicuously missing in the existing frosty relationship between the two countries.

In order to bring about a positive change in this relationship Afghanistan, in particular, will have to immediately stop playing in the hands of India, a country which has always been daggers- drawn with Pakistan; and it would do anything to tarnish its image. Afghanistan should realize that India, Pakistan’s ever-belligerent neighbour, would be the last country to see relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan improve for the mutual benefit of people of the two countries. While exploiting Afghanistan to attain its nefarious designs, India somehow tends to forget that regional peace cannot be established unless all important countries of the region employ their best efforts to achieve this vital objective. India must also appreciate that establishment of strong economic ties between neighbouring Pakistan and Afghanistan will be central to diffusing tensions and sharing the benefits of development amongst the populace of not only Afghanistan and Pakistan, but also India and other countries of the region.

In this regard the role of the world powers that matter cannot also be overemphasized. The US in particular and its European allies in general who have been involved in fighting a war against Taliban and other terrorist groups in Afghanistan, for over a decade now, must accept the fact that this war has been largely responsible for destabilising the country and bringing it to the brink of social, political and economic degradation. This war, the whole world knows, has devastated Afghanistan to such an extent that it would take the country decades to stand on its own feet once again. Under the circumstances it becomes all the more important for the US and its allies to ensure that immediate and concrete measures are taken to stop further destabilization and destruction of Afghanistan. One very crucial step that they should take forthwith is to stop India from meddling in the affairs of Afghanistan and create an atmosphere conducive for Afghanistan and Pakistan to sit across the negotiating table, like two civilized nations, and hammer out all bilateral issues amicably. If this is not done on war footing durable peace between the two countries would remain a far cry. Needless to say, regional peace and stability would also remain a distant dream.

