Pakistan Today

ISIS attacks

This is in reference to Arif Nizami’s column “The ISIS within”. For centuries despotic monarchs and church connived in Europe to inflict untold miseries and injustices in name of religion. Private militias of feudal lords were engaged in wars sanctified by Church. Europe has come out of this crisis and replaced despotic monarchies with constitutional rulers, devolved their powers, making them answerable to people, all submitting to rule of law enacted by the parliament.

The Muslim world is today engaged in this same crisis where religion has been exploited by ruling elite to regularise injustices and discrimination, which Islam forbids. Violence against unarmed citizens is being sanctified by corrupt Muslim clergy, although Islam forbids such violation of human rights even in war. It is Muslim men and women who have been brainwashed and recruited by Al-Qaida in recent past and now by ISIS and DAESH in perpetrating injustices and brutalities.

ISIS is an organisation involved in unleashing maximum damage on Muslims living in their own countries or as migrants in Europe, America etc. They have succeeded in radicalising young minds living in West, causing more misery and isolation with prospects of eviction from these countries where they and their parents sought refuge in hopes of better future, which was denied to them by despotic rulers of their own countries.

What purpose has Paris attack served other than harassment of Muslim communities living in that country? Would it not serve Muslim nations if their youth were to concentrate on seeking education in science and technology from renowned universities in Europe or America, rather than be radicalised and indulge in acts of barbarity in name of Islam which forbids attacking unarmed citizens even in war? Should it not merit some thinking that stringent sanctions can be placed in collaboration with Muslim monarchy of oil rich states on Iran, but somehow ISIS manages to have enough revenues from illegal sale of oil from territory they occupy with capability for procurement of lethal weapons of war? ISIS and DAESH have served to divert attention away from occupation and atrocities in West Bank. Does it not sound strange that there has never been an attack by ISIS within Israel, but only within Muslim states or countries which offer them refuge?



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