Breast cancer awareness


Breast cancer is malignancy encountered by the women of today. It is estimated that 1 in 9 Pakistani women will develop breast cancer at some stages of their life. Every woman’s risk is dissimilar and depends upon combination of factors such as women who gain weight in adult life before menopause are at increased risk. Women who do not have children after the age of 30 are also at increased risk. Family susceptibility to breast cancer accounts for approximately 25% of all breast cancer. BRAC1 and BRAC2 genes are involved in breast cancer.

A woman who has two or more first degree relatives with breast or ovarian cancer before the age of 50 may be carrying the BRAC1 and 2 genes. Others factors are gender, race, geographic location, age of menarche and age of menopause. Treatments available for patients are hormonal therapy, chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy.

Being a student of applied biosciences I request the authorities to develop breast cancer prevention and screening strategies. Aspiration toward excellence should be the goal of every physician. National cancer registries should be present to understand epidemiology and causative factor of cancer.

