Pakistan Today

9 daily habits of people with flawless skin



We often look at people with flawless skin and think how lucky they are to be blessed with such radiance. Genes do make it easy, but a good skincare routine is extremely important for maintaining radiant skin.

Here are nine daily habits followed by people who have glowing skin:

  1. They always use UV protection

Experts constantly stress on how important sunscreen is for protection against harmful UV rays. People with flawless skin not only apply sunscreen generously every day of the year, they go one step further and wear sun protective clothing and accessories like hats to shield their face from the sun.

Sunscreen alone doesn’t save you from getting a tan, so covering your body when going out is important too in order to avoid getting sunburnt. New York based dermatologist Karyn Grossman even got UV-blocking film on her car windows to protect her skin while driving.

  1. They use chemical exfoliators instead of physical scrubs

Physical scrubs with coarse, chunky grains can damage your skin and cause microtears and irritation if you over-scrub. Chemical exfoliators on the other hand trigger cell turnover that helps skin shed dead tissue more effectively, and they also stimulate collagen production. Karyn Grossman uses retinoids or alpha hydroxyl acids for exfoliating.

  1. They always remove makeup before bed

Sleeping in your makeup after coming home can clog your pores and cause breakouts and inflammation because pollution and dirt particles also stick to your skin along with it. Washing your face with a gentle cleanser before going to bed is the best option to ensure clear skin.

For times when you are too exhausted to go to the sink, make sure you wipe your face with makeup remover wipes like Karyn does. Keep a pack on your bedside so you have no excuse to skip.

  1. They make sure the water is the right temperature for their skin

Washing your face with hot water can cause the skin to dry as it depletes natural oils. People with great skin make sure they wash their face with lukewarm or cold water instead.

American dermatologist Elizabeth Tanzi says she even avoids hot tubs and steam rooms to ensure her skin retains natural moisturizing oils, and washes her face separately with tepid water when taking a warm shower.

  1. They try to stay stress free

Studies have proven that stress hampers the health of your skin as well as disrupting the function of the protective outer layers of the skin, leading to wrinkles, irritation and redness.

Beauty editor Courtney Dunlop says she makes it a point to relax her face throughout the day and avoids furrowing her eyebrows when stressed as this can form lines. She also suggests regular exercise and deep breathing to lower stress.

  1. They don’t touch pimples

Touching your pimples repeatedly and popping them leads to scarring, inflammation and broken skin. Apart from that, when you pop a zit, the bacteria are likely to spread and cause more breakouts. Karyn reveals that she dabs 1 per cent hydrocortisone cream on the pimple several times a day to decrease inflammation.

  1. They exercise regularly

Regular exercise works wonders for your skin and keeps it looking fresh. Research in Canada indicated that people over 40 who exercise regularly have skin that is closer in composition to that of 20 or 30 year olds.

Celebrity facialist Joanna Vargas says exercise helps keep circulation going and stimulates the lymphatic system, which brings nutrients to the skin and carries waste away from it. “The lymphatic system doesn’t have its own pump, so it needs exercise and diet to keep it healthy,” she adds.

  1. They sleep at least seven hours a night

Sleep deprivation causes wrinkles, dark circles, and puffy and saggy skin, making your skin age faster. Getting seven to eight hours of sleep every night prevents this. Dunlop says she prioritises sleep over everything else because if she skips it even for one night, her eyes appear puffier and her face sags.

  1. They avoid straws and gum

Sipping through straws and chewing gum leads to fine lines and wrinkles. It also traps in air, making your face appear bloated.

Grossman says all the excess motion on the lower part of your face and pursing your lips increases lines around the mouth, and that is why she has given up gum completely.

Now you know what to do to get the glow!

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