Starting with baby steps


Thawing of ice between Afghanistan and Pakistan


The initiation of dialogue between Pakistan and Afghanistan, irrespective of how scant the results are, is welcome in view of the tensions prevailing between the two sides. Nawaz Sharif had complained of conspiracies hatched by elements in Afghanistan opposed to a political settlement with the Taliban. The arrival of Afghan Finance Minister Eklil Ahmad Hakimi indicates that the conspirators have failed to keep the dialogue stalled between the neighbours.

Offers by the Prime Minister for help in Afghan reconciliation, the suggestion by him to take bilateral trade to $5b by 2018 and the promise to help Afghanistan stand on its feet can bear fruit only if Kabul is willing to reciprocate.

The positives which emerged in the talks between Hakimi and Finance Minister Dar comprise two MoUs. Kabul has offered help to Pakistan to import power from Central Asia. Both sides have also discussed the road link between Gwadar and Helmand that connects Afghanistan with the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. Differences between the two countries remain as Pakistan declines to give Afghan trucks access to New Delhi and to allow these trucks to transport goods while returning from Wagah to Torkham. The Afghans have made it clear that if denied entry into South Asia through Pakistan, the latter will not be allowed to access Central Asia through Afghanistan.

The talks constitute a first tentative step on a long and tortuous route covered with booby traps. Peace in Afghanistan is crucial for the consolidation of gains made by Pakistan Army in the tribal areas, particularly North Waziristan and Khyber Agency. The appointment of a pro-talks Taliban leader as head of the Taliban office in Qatar indicates that the Taliban too have decided to hold talks. With the US and China keen on promoting a settlement between the Afghan government and the Taliban, those opposed to talks in Kabul would be left with no viable alternative. This is the time for all the stakeholders, particularly the Afghan government, to snatch the hour.


  1. Since Ashraf GHANI HAS
    thing has assumed power in Afghanistan a wave of cordial relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan had started but unfortunately the Indian interruption in Afghanistan has made the things worst enough to handle.Ghani administration has totally failed to handle the situation.

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