Paris attacks conspiracy to stop rise of Islam in West: Hafiz Saeed



Ameer Jamat-d-Dawa Hafiz Saeed has termed Paris attacks as an international conspiracy to stop the unabated rise of Islam in the West.

In an exclusive interview with Online at an undisclosed location, the JuD chief said Paris attacks were part of the international conspiracy to malign Islam.

He has also condemned these attacks saying that Muslims in West in general and France in particular must not be blamed and targeted for the Paris incident.

“The truth is that sometime back, ex British premier Tony Blair admitted that Western powers created Daesh and that it was a mistake. Daesh is the product of Western evil designs against Muslims and this terrorist organisation is dancing to the tune of international establishment formed by Western imperialist powers.”

He said the terrorist organisations like Daesh had only one agenda, to let down Islam on the behest of foreign powers.

The JuD chief slammed India and its Prime Minister Narendra Modi saying the extremism against minorities in India exposed the real designs of Modi and his government. “This insane and evil man came to power on the basis of Hindu supremacy. What else is expected of him? The entire world has seen that it is India that is breeding extremism and not Pakistan.

Hafiz Saeed said that the successes in Zarb-e-Azb operation proved to be a nightmare for India as its terrorism in Balochistan, FATA and Karachi was dealt with an iron hand by Pakistan’s armed forces and law enforcement apparatus. “Zarb-e-Azb operation brought death for terrorism and saw an end to India’s violent interference in our areas.”

Saeed said that Kashmir’s struggle was in the decisive phase and it was never “as lively as it is today.”

He remarked “The entire Kashmir is together and has joined hands and is united for the liberation of Kashmir from illegal and occupational Indian control. The day of freedom is not far.”

Saeed said BJP’s defeat in the polls in Bihar were a manifestation that Modi’s extremist agenda was rejected even in India and his policies were bound to fail.

Slamming India for issuing threatening statements to Pakistan, he said that New Delhi has ‘gone mad out of frustration’ due to Islamabad’s rise and goodwill.

“It is a matter of fact that India cannot digest our rise. It is doing stupid and crazy things out of frustration. And issuing childish warning shots is linked to this very episode,” he said.

Elaborating on his viewpoint, Hafiz Saeed said Pakistan’s successful military action against terrorism and its improved relations with Afghanistan made a pill too bitter to digest for New Delhi. “This is a nightmarish scenario for India that never spared an opportunity to malign and ridicule Pakistan. Tables are turning on India. And it is feeling the heat of our successes,” he said.

The JuD chief added, “Apart from these factors, our ever strengthening relationship with China, and the strong resolve demonstrated by both the states to establish China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), is the last nail in the coffin for India. India is deeply fearful that it is being marginalised due to Pakistan’s continued successes, diplomatically, militarily and strategically,” he said adding that Indian PM statement confirming India’s involvement in fall of Dhaka in 1971 was not only a sheer act of desperation, it was also an attempt to stoke Pakistan-Bangladesh tension. In this context he added, “Back in 1972, we ran a ‘say no to Bangladesh campaign’ because this country was formed out of the terror motives of India. Now, again, India is using it as a tool against Pakistan. Today, there is a need to run this kind of campaign again. Bangladesh, under this anti-Pakistani Prime Minister Haseena Wajid, is blindly dancing to the tune of India.”

On Modi’s statement, Saeed said “His statement also confirms India’s terrorist motives. The Indian politicians have lost their nerves. The extremist Indians, in the garb of so-called secularism, are actually so narrow-minded that they would play dirty games only to secure their extremist interests and ideology at the cost of destabilising Pakistan.”

He said India is trying to imitate the US and pushing this entire region to terrorism. “India has launched military strikes in Myanmar after taking inspiration from the US drone strikes. But this kind of ‘imitation’ or ‘copycat’ attitude would only backfire. India needs to be cut down to its size.”