Ameen Faheem passes away


Pakistan Peoples Party’s Senior Vice-Chairman Makhdoom Ameen Faheem died after a prolonged illness late last night in a private hospital in Karachi.

He was diagnosed with blood cancer sometime ago and was hospitalised after his condition worsened a few weeks ago. He was 76 and was the spiritual head of Sarwari Jamat.

Belonging from Hala, Sindh, he contested eight elections from 1977, 1988, 1990, 1993, 1997, 2002, 2008 and 2013, remaining undefeated and creating a national record.

He was also one of the architects of Charter of Democracy that paved the way for both Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif to work together to make a comeback to the politics of the country against the dictatorial government of Musharraf.

Before that he also served as chairman of Alliance for Restoration of Democracy in late 1980s. As one of the PPP’s well respected leaders, he led the party in the absence of Benazir Bhutto when she was on a self-exile after Pervez Musharraf targeted the party and its leaders in a bid to solidify his control on country’s political structure.


  1. Ameen was a stalwart and loyal leader of the P P P . He served the party an the nation with dedication in various capacities. He remained loyal to the Party despite the differences. He has an unflinching believe in democracy and was in the vanguard for the Restoration of Democracy movement. He served as the chairman of Pakistan Parliamentarian People's Party during Musharraf's tenure.

    He declined tempting offers to become Prime Minister by Musharraf. His loyalty to the party and its leadership was above board.
    May Allah the mighty ret hi ou in peace and eternal tranquility. We all have to face death – the ultimate reality.

  2. Inna'lillah-e- was Inna'ilege rajoon. The country has been deprived of one more nice and humble leader. His money, his status, his taa'lluqat – nothing could save him. All those who are in power or out of power should think twice – they all will meet this duty-ful Farishta one day. All their money so earned – legally or illegally will not save them. By the way, where stand all the Corruption cases against him the arrest warrants ?

  3. Really sad news About Uncle Ameen Faheem He is really good person
    ALLAH inhy jannat me jaga naseeb kry Ameen

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