Closing down Mosques in US an option: Donlad Trump


Following angry French leader Francios Hollande’s feet who declared war on Islamic State group (IS) in aftermath of Paris attack, the US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has got a hint of tactic to gain the momentum to his campaign.

Trump believes shutting down mosques in US is the best way to to counter ‘jihadist’ ideology in America. “Tear apart the First Amendment of the American constitution on which this country is founded.” He said.

Trump was on MS¬ NBC’s Morning Joe, where the panel discussed the Fre¬nch interior minister’s call for the dissolution of extr¬emi¬st-linked mosques in France in the wake of last week’s attacks in Paris.

In response to Joe Scarborough’s question that if Trump administration wou¬ld consider shutting down mosques in this country?

“I would hate to do it but it would be something that you’re going to have strongly consider because some of the ideas, some of the hatred — absolute hatred — is coming from these areas,” Trump said.

Few weeks back, Trump was widely criticized from international media, even in United Sates, when he mocked Muslim women’s Hijab by saying ‘They prefer Hijab to skip makeup.”