Sitting ducks


The lack of action by the government is worrisome


South Punjab and the districts adjoining it have been the birthplace of some of the most well-organised terrorist networks and their leaders. With one of the districts being in the proximity of Waziristan, this facilitates the entry of the terrorists and weapons into Punjab. Absence of proper vigilance has led to major terrorist attacks inside South Punjab. Despite intelligence reports and stories in the media, the Punjab government has over the years downplayed the threat. This allowed the terrorists to strengthen themselves in the province. The chickens are coming home to roost now.

Counter-Terrorism Department Punjab (CTDP) has told the media that Paris-like attacks can’t be ruled out in Punjab. This would justify the worst fears of those who have been pointing out the dangers inherent in inaction on the part of both the federal and Punjab governments. Despite a provision in the National Action Plan specifically requiring a denial of space to the terrorists in Punjab, the administration has been reluctant to implement it. This is the case with the federal government also. The Interior Ministry has continued to ignore provocations by Lal Majid cleric Abdul Aziz who is now threatening to launch a movement for the implementation of Shariah. He has defied orders not to take out processions.

According to CTDP one seminary in South Punjab linked with Lal Masjid has been sealed as it was providing military training to its students. With LeJ, JeM and LeT using South Punjab as their recruiting ground, there must have been many seminaries involved in the activity. The government’s approach remains purely reactive. As Rana Sanaullah has put it: “Action would be taken by the provincial government if IS was found to be active in any manner in the province”. The CTDP has the lists of seminary teachers and students who have taken part in militant activities or are suspected of links with the terrorists but would not take any action till they stage another Paris-like horror. The lack of initiative on the part of the government is worrisome.


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