Carnage in Paris, Baghdad and Beirut


There are no words that can sufficiently describe grief felt and condemnation of Paris, Beirut and Baghdad terrorist attacks. There are no justifications for attacking innocent people anywhere in the world. But counter-terrorism efforts cannot produce results until the root cause is addressed. Wrong wars for which Mr Blair has recently apologised and regime change for strategic national interests have unleashed forces of anarchy. Crisis of Ukraine, Syrian, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, and Afghanistan, where each side has their favourites to support, has resulted in global breakdown of order.

This has produced millions of refugees dislocated, impoverished and uncertain about their future. Among these and influenced by it has radicalised small number of youth that are willing to go to the extremes to hit back at communities they blame responsible for these conditions. Fundamentalists around the world have taken advantage of it by recruiting these men to further their own political agenda regardless whether these fundamentalists are in Muslim majority countries, France, Germany, Myanmar, or India.

One way to address Paris attack is to support unilateral action by France to punish perpetrators of these events following the example of USA after 9/11 attacks in New York. France could send troops or fighter jets to bomb places they feel has planned these attacks. Local communities can retaliate against their Muslim neighbours creating further divide and enabling the forces of hate. The other option is to have global efforts to strengthen the sanctity of a state, granted by the UN charter, and adhering to the non-interference in the internal affairs of another. Efforts should be made to create regional platforms, sponsored and supported by global powers USA, China, EU, OIC and Russia, to address each of the crises to find viable, sustainable and workable political solutions that are accepted by all stakeholders, especially citizens of these countries in crises. There is also need for greater cooperation among states in intelligence sharing, counter-terrorism and international justice.

President Obama labelled terrorist attacks in Paris as an attack on all humanity which I agree. But he did not care to mention that 26 people had died in Baghdad and 44 in Beirut as well in terrorist attacks. It is important that we react similarly to all terrorist attacks wherever they happen.

Good non-state actor and bad non-state actor should no longer be the policy of international powers. Or else the world should be prepared for more terror attacks from which no one will be spared despite the resources at their disposal.

