‘Mobilink set to bring about digital revolution in Pakistan’


After being in the conventional telecom business for over 20 years in the country, Mobilink is now all geared up to reshape the digital revolution in Pakistan by capitalizing its market position through innovative new solutions which it plans to introduce in the next five years, revealed Aamir Ibrahim, Deputy CEO of Mobilink in an interview with a local technology blog.

Considering the prevailing trends, Pakistan is expected to have over 40 million smartphone users by 2018, who on-average will spend around 2.5 hours per day on mobile devices, creating a definitive demand for mobile-first solutions and that is exactly the area that Mobilink is hoping to tap.

Watching HD movies online, paying your cafeteria bills through mobile account by simply tapping the phone, paying tolls through an app configured to deduct money from your bank account on pay-as-you-go basis, registering a complaint with your power company, getting to know about your kids’s class schedule and the syllabus details, checking out the closest gym in the vicinity and getting registered there by paying via credit card, browsing malls online and then making purchases for things ranging from apparels to groceries, staying in touch with your FnF through Skype conference calls, collaborating with your colleagues through your company’s in-house collaboration app and much much more; all is going to be possible soon and that too with few clicks only through a device that you carry all the time, i.e. smartphone.

Aamir Ibrahim is ambitiously working on bringing all these digital and mobile first solutions to Mobilink customers with-in next few years.

Aamir believes that world of digital technology will take us closer to achieving real life progress and this is the only way forward for a developing country like Pakistan to make a mark at a global scale.

He candidly admitted that he will have to start the digitalization of his organization internally prior to anything else, such as making Mobilink a paper-less organization and whole bunch of other things to become a true digital organization or an m-company.

When asked if such digitalization or transformation is going to impact certain policies of company, such as hiring process or how Mobilink deals with its employees, Aamir said that technology helps in bettering the processes and this change will naturally impact our lives internally in a positive way at several levels.

Along side internal work-style shift, Mobilink is working on digitalization of products and services in parallel. For example they are working on e-care solutions to ultimately allow customers to subscribe or unsubscribe to services and products through a single click, or to pay their bills via Mobicash initially and then down the line via credit cards in real time all through a simple mobile app.

Aamir said that these are some modest steps they are taking in order to realize the true dreams of a digital revolution. He aims for Mobilink to become a solution provider, instead of just an infrastructure company, where it will have in-house solutions for all sorts of digital needs.

He revealed that Mobilink is currently working on store-front applications right now, payment gateway and other similar services that are going to be in-house. Additionally, Mobilink is also working on various partnerships to produce products and solutions for end-users ranging from content development to daily life utilities.

Without sharing much details, Aamir informed that there are a lot of interesting things happening at the group level and with-in Pakistan to create a reason for users to be on internet. “We will have to ultimately create internet properties that will solve real-life problems”, said Aamir.

Despite acknowledging the challenges that Mobilink may face during the ride, Aamir was optimistic that other stakeholders, such as government, will get convinced about the potential that technology has to transform the lives to help each and every individual of our society.



The interview was conducted by Aamir Attaa for ProPakistani.com