Pakistan Today

RAW’s plot to kill Nawaz

Never ever such an alert has been sent to any provincial government or the Centre regarding an assassination plot of a country’s no less than Prime Minister hatched by enemy country’s Research and Analysis Wing. It is so daring and so astonishing. What if the next piece of news comes from RAW that the ISI is hatching a plot to kill Modi? This is certainly a dangerous trend and against diplomatic norms, international law and the rules of sovereignty.

But how can the Punjab Home Department issue a warning unless there is a 100 percent authenticity of its sources? In a circular issued on October 9, the Punjab Home Department stated that RAW, in collusion with some banned organisations, could hit important political personalities, including Premier Sharif. The Punjab government has directed the LEAs to strengthen security of the Premier and Hafiz Saeed, who heads the banned JuD – both of whom, according to the government, are likely targets. All other high-profile personalities have been advised to stay vigilant during their public movement. The claim that RAW could garner support from proscribed groups for its attacks has resulted in massive police crackdowns on regional offices of such outfits. Police saw LeJ’s involvement in the killing of Col Shuja Khanzada, the Punjab Home Minister. LeJ announced to avenge killing of Malik Ishaq in a police encounter in Muzaffargarh on July 29. Agencies believe LeJ would collaborate with RAW in carrying out specific targeted attacks on PM Nawaz and CM Shahbaz.

What is India up to? What does Modi intend to do with this region? Intolerance across Hindus is rampant. The secular face of democratic India is turning extremist, non-accommodative and anti-minorities. Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif are two brothers who have always wished for good ties with India. If their life is danger, that too at the hands of Indian intelligence agency, then there is no limit next to expect Modi stooping further low. Someone will have to find the solution of such madness. Shouldn’t the world community take a serious note of it?



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