Pakistan Today

Gove decides to recruit 6,000 more traffic wardens for city

The Sindh government has decided to extend and improve the traffic management system and traffic services facilities to local people up to broad spectrum level.

To achieve these objectives, it has been decided to recruit 6,000 traffic police personals and to provide fool proof security to them to streamline traffic management and traffic flow in the city.

The decisions were taken in the meeting presided over by Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah on Monday.

It has also decided to expedite the working on BRT projects in pipeline and to launch ground work on orange line from November 05, 2015, with its ground-breaking ceremony to be performed by Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah on same date.

Besides, the Sindh government has finalised all codal formalities and decided to enter into agreement with partner organisations to implement on yellow line with length of 23 Kms and intercity-bus transit projects to bring 100 new buses of DAEWO on the roads in the month of November, 2015.

Addressing the meeting, the chief minister directed the officers of traffic police to fully implement on the traffic laws and use their powers and to ensure smooth traffic flow in the city. He agreed to bring amendments in the traffic laws if its weaknesses were identified. He said the Sindh government was already working on legislation to improve the transportation facilities to the people.

He said a bill for establishment of Sindh Mass Transit Authority (SMTA) had also been prepared which will be discussed in the next session of Sindh Assembly.

Referring to the traffic problems raised by participants in the meeting, including illegal parking, encroachment on roads not allowing illegal traffic den in the city, standardizing traffic signals, segregating heavy traffic and allowing it for specific time and routs, implementation on traffic rules and imposing fine to traffic violators were the issues which could be resolved administratively by the traffic police.

He directed the traffic police not to allow heavy vehicles in the city during working hours/business time, but segregate its routs and allow them in such specific routs in specific time in the midnight hours. While responding to low strength of traffic police, he approved the proposal for recruitment of more 6,000 personals of traffic police to enhance its strength to meet the requirement of day-by-day increasing vehicular population in the city.

However, the chief minister took serious notice of killing of traffic police and strictly directed the IG to ensure fool proof security, and provide bullet proof vests, helmets and weapons to traffic constables and depute more than one or two personals at the same site.

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