APCNGA terms LNG pipeline accord with Russia significant


The All Pakistan CNG Association (APCNGA) on Friday welcomed the agreement between Pakistan and Russia for construction of 1,100 kilometre pipeline to transport LNG from Karachi to Lahore terming it a beginning of the end of energy crisis which has crippled economy.

The pipeline will transport 12.4 billion cubic feet per annum out of which half would be used to generate 3,600 MW electricity while the rest would help CNG, fertiliser and industrial sectors in Punjab, said Supreme Council APCNGA Chairman Ghiyas Abdullah Paracha.

The agreement will help change energy landscape of the country which is a great achievement of the government, however, construction on two more LNG terminals with 1000 bcf capacity was necessary to make it a success, he said.

Paracha said that distribution of gas should be improved by laying new pipelines so that the situation could be improved. He said the minister of petroleum should personally monitor development of the project to ensure unhindered development and its timely completion.

The leader of the CNG sector said that all the concerned departments should be cleared of corrupt an incompetent staff and experienced officials of good repute should be posted for the success of project.

Gas companies should be directed to minimise increasing transmission and distribution losses which is of vital importance for this landmark initiative, he said.