The Seigel episode


The logical course

Mark Seigel’s testimony did not produce any new information, it just confirmed what had already been widely carried by the press. Yet it marks an important development in the Benazir case. Gen Musharraf has, of course, denied the threat, and the subsequent barter on security that was not eventually provided. But legal recourse should now demand that the former strongman be questioned so the case can move forward. That, for obvious reasons, runs into issues that even the sitting government would rather avoid for the moment; as is evident from its sudden loss of interest in the treason case against the former president.

This case has already lingered for years, brining the legal system into disrepute yet again. If such high profile cases progress so slowly, there is really little justice to be found for the common man. For the moment Gen Musharraf is able to sidestep legal hindrances as he tends to his health, and political party matters, in Karachi. The question then arises whether a trip to the courts for this case will trigger a domino effect, and drag him back to answer for other charges as well?

That, of course, is not all. Much noise is being made about selective justice already. The much expected cleansing operation has, so far, only touched a handful of people in one city. Yet it has got prominent politicians complaining about being targeted. And the PPP, especially, is already asking why the net should not be extended to the civil bureaucracy as well as the military. Sooner or later, though, these questions will have to be answered. It is best if they are not allowed to obstruct the legal process. Without question, justice must be fair and across the board and no exceptions must be made.


  1. Mark Seigel received $ 900,000 a year from PPPZ accounts. He refused to give statement earlier but after Nawaz Sharif visit to NewYork he decided to speak. Money is his god being a lobbyist no different from a call girl.

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