Pakistan Today

The ‘Hidden Hand’ that controls the world


Everyone has a right to life, liberty, happiness and wealth but in no way should their pursuit infringe the rights of others. Dr Mujahid Kamran’s latest book, “The International Bankers, World Wars I, II and Beyond” reveals that there is a select group of international bankers that unscrupulously works for its vested interest in total disregard to the humanity at large. These bankers resort to unethical and illegal practices to control the national banks and through this control, manipulate the economies and financial policies of the leading countries of the world to their undue advantage.

Over time, these bankers have evolved into a ‘High Cabal’ or a ‘Global Elite’ by means of blood ties, intermarriages and common business interests. Through the banking sector, they have spread their tentacles into defence, oil and media industries. According to a 2014 study, these few families include the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Kuhn Loebs, Lehmans, Goldman Sachs, Warburgs, Lazards and Israel Moses Seiff who actually own the majority of stocks in almost every central bank on this globe. The sources of their power are money and gold. The volume of assets of just one of these families- the Rothschilds- will give the reader some idea of the nature of their power. According to a published source, “The Rothschilds control the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the World Bank and the Bank of International Settlements. This family also owns most of the gold in the world as well as the London Gold Exchange, which sets the price of gold every day. It is said that the family owns half the wealth of the planet- estimated by Credit Suisse to be $231 trillion- and is controlled by Evelyn Rothschild, the current head of the family.” At the end of the nineteenth century, the family also purchased the entire gold of the East India Company which amounted to 800,000 British pounds.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, these families decided to take control of the United States, as it was to replace Britain as the biggest imperial power in the world. In 1913, they manipulated the passage of an Act that literally handed over the Federal Reserve to them, enabling them to not only control the money supply but to also push the US into depressions and wars at will. It was this control about which the US President F D Roosevelt confided to his top adviser Col Edward House, “The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centres has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson.” Prior to the US, imperial Britain being the most powerful empire was also controlled by the Rothschilds which is evident from the oft-quoted quote of Baron Nathan Mayer de Rothschild, “I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.”

The author who is also the Vice Chancellor of the Punjab University has gathered equally revealing matter about the remaining top international banking families. Apart from controlling the money supply, these bankers plan wars among nations as a tool to increase their wealth and influence in order to set up a world government. This thinking was laid bare by Amschel Mayer Rothschild at a meeting of the twelve richest men of Prussia in Frankfurt way back in 1773, “Wars should be directed so that the nations on both sides should be further in our debt.”

The two World Wars are the cases in point. In the first war over 66 million men from 21 countries were made to fight; out of which about 40 million got killed and 20 million were wounded. These wars were instigated and executed by these bankers through the top political leaders some of whom “had the privilege of writing cheques on the Rothschild bank at their own estimate of the value of their services.” For example, the American President Woodrow Wilson was a stooge of these bankers. Not only did they pay for his education but got him elected twice as the President and in return, first, he had the Federal Reserve Act passed that put the country under their eternal bondage, and secondly, despite his election promise to keep the US out of World War I, joined the war because eight months before the presidential election, he had approved a secret agreement with Britain to join the war. That is why when the German government in February 1915 requested James W Gerard, the US Ambassador in Germany to notify President Wilson that Germany wanted to end the war, the request was turned down. This American rejection proved to be of momentous importance for the future of mankind. An excerpt from an interview given by Winston Churchill much later in 1936 to William Griffin, the publisher of the ‘New York Enquirer’ which was reprinted in the ‘Congressional Record’ of 21 October 1939 on page 636 of volume 84 elaborates its significance. Churchill said to his American interviewer, “If you [US] hadn’t entered the World War we would have made peace with Germany early in 1917. Had we made peace then there would have been no collapse in Russia followed by communism, no breakdown in Italy followed by fascism, and Germany would not have signed the Versailles Treaty, which has enthroned Nazism in Germany.” A similar peace offer from the Germans to end the war in December 1916 through Walter H Page, the US Ambassador in Britain was repudiated by the British Premier Lloyd George.

Why were these German offers for peace rejected by the top Anglo-American leadership? The war was prolonged to increase the wealth of these banking families; never mind the human agony and misery. While the war increased the national debts of several nations of the world by 475%; it created 21000 new millionaires and billionaires just in the US. The process of converting coal to gasoline patented by the Rockefeller controlled Standard Oil was passed on to Germany so that she could fight the war efficiently. There are more surprises: the Warburg family personally financed the war effort of the German Kaiser. The J P Morgan Guaranty Trust was overtly providing loans to the Allies while at the same time covertly arranging finances on the London money markets to funnel them to the Germans through South America. These are typical examples of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds.

The author startles the reader by claiming that the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917 was also engineered by these international bankers. The person who allowed Lenin’s passage in a sealed train through Germany to execute the Bolshevik Revolution was the head of the German Secret Service and he was none other than Max Warburg, a scion of the Warburg banking family. Lenin’s most trusted lieutenant Leon Trotsky, who played a decisive role at crucial moments in this revolution was arrested by the authorities en route to Russia via Scandinavia but was set free on the intervention of the US and British governments. It is an established fact that Trotsky was in possession of an American passport which was issued on the order of President Wilson. When the nascent communist regime was tottering in Soviet Russia due to paucity of funds, President Wilson through his personal emissary Elihu Root sent a hundred million dollars from his Special Emergency War Fund. Such support created room for American influence in the Bolshevik regime during its early years which can be seen in an April 1918 report filed by ‘London Times’ correspondent Robert Wilton from Moscow that stated that out of the 384 Commissars appointed by the Bolshevik government, more than 300 were Jews and 264 of them had come to Russia from America after the fall of the Tsarist regime. One becomes dumbfounded to learn that one of these banking families- the Rockefellers- had become so influential in Soviet Russia that it decisively intervened in support of Stalin in 1926 in the power struggle that ultimately resulted in the ousting of Trotsky. Stalin was so obliged that when his government expropriated foreign investments, the Rockefellers controlled Standard Oil properties were left untouched in Russia.

Dr Mujahid Kamran’s drilling into the insidious and hideous affairs of these international bankers does not stop, here. He asserts that World War II was also the brainchild of the same banking families. Adolf Hitler, who is so much reviled in the West for his brutalities till today was actually the creation of these bankers. He was generously funded by the Wall Street financiers, the more generous being IG Farben Thyssen, German General Electric and its affiliated company Osram. IG Farben was owned by the Jews and this very organisation contributed about 70 million Reichsmarks to the Nazis. To provide a healthy supply of funds to the Germany-based IG Farben, the American company General Motors invested approximately 30 million dollars in it between 1932 and 1939. And during the war, 90% of the three-tonne lorries used by the German army (Wehrmacht) were produced by the American companies Ford and Opel in their factories in Germany. Under the Dawes Plan, which was primarily a JP Morgan enterprise, the American bankers raised loans to the tune of 800 million dollars which were invested in the German steel and chemical cartels in the mid-1920s. These very cartels helped Hitler to come into power and subsequently use their production for the war materials that killed the Allied soldiers in the war. As the leader of the Nazi party, Hitler received at least 32 million dollars between1929 and 1932 from American financers such as Morgan, Rockefeller, Kuhn Loeb, General Electric and the National City Bank.

One wonders how did this group of international bankers find the ‘right men’ at the ‘right time’ in the ‘right places’ to do their bidding. The author unearths this mystery by stating that this banking cabal recruited the men of potential and talent through an intricate network of secret societies. The Pilgrims Society set at the beginning of the twentieth century manipulated the US entry in WWI. The Round Table Group was set in 1891 whose members had close links with Queen Victoria, King Edward V and King George V. It evolved into the influential think tank named the Royal Institute of International Affairs in Britain. Some other such societies with inter-connected links included the Yale Secret Society, Skulls and Bones, the Illuminati, etc. Members of another such secret group named The Coefficients Dining Club included Bertrand Russell, Arthur Balfour and Robert Cecil. Moreover, the origins of the Nazi party could be traced in the Thule Society. Hitler was a member of the Thule Society and the swastika that he adopted as the national insignia was actually the symbol of the Thule Society. It will not be out of place to mention that the swastika was not unique to the Nazis as it could be seen on the grave of the British imperialist John Ruskin as well as on the frontispieces of first editions of Rudyard Kipling’s works.

With the passage of time, these secret societies grew into the present day think tanks. The objective of these think tanks is to manufacture global public opinion in line with the agenda of this banking cabal. The most significant project initiated in this connection was “The Tavistock Institute on Human Relations” which had a budget of 6 billion dollars with four hundred subsidiary organisations and three thousand think tanks working under it, the more prominent being the Stanford Research Institute, the Hoover Institute, The Aspen Institute, etc. These think tanks hire the services of the talented thinkers and writers who manipulate the public opinion to promote the interests of this banking elite in order to secure their personal perks and privileges. For example, Henry Kissinger was paid by Nelson Rockefeller to conduct a commissioned research on limited warfare for an influential think tank, the ‘Council on Foreign Relations’. The more promising intellectuals are positioned at key political and strategic positions in the governments to further the financial interests of this group of world bankers. Sometimes even the ‘paradigm shifts’ in the national policies and international relations are brought about just to further the interests of these bankers. For example, now we know that the paradigm shift in the Cold War between the two super powers by the adoption of the policy of détente initiated by Kissinger and Nixon in the early 1970s was in fact meant to fulfil the banking interests of David Rockefeller, who wanted to internationalise the banking operations of his bank Chase Manhattan. Thanks to Kissinger, not only Rockefeller became the first American banker to be received by the communist Chinese government in Beijing but Chase Manhattan also became the first US bank to open its office in Moscow in 1973. Nixon was not the only US President who danced to the tune of these bankers. Historically speaking, “No American President with the exception of JFK, has defied the bankers in the last 100 years. His fate will serve as a lesson for the US Presidents for a long time to come.”

Dr Mujahid Kamran’s research is groundbreaking because it presents an entirely new perspective hitherto unexplored about the study of the two world wars and therefore forcefully questions the established narrative set by the mainstream historians on these wars. Western scholars on this subject usually blame Hitler, the German Kaiser, growing nationalism and the arms race as the primary causes behind these wars and in the process have completely ignored the role of the global banking cabal which has been well exposed by the author for which he deserves due commendation.


The International Bankers, World Wars I, II, and Beyond

Written by: Prof Dr Mujahid Kamran

Published by: University of the Punjab, Lahore, 2015

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