Pakistan Today

Rich woman screams and throws wads of cash at store assistant’s face


An enraged Chinese woman has been seen throwing wads of cash at a shop assistant because she didn’t want to be seen as poor.

The incident is believed to have taken place on September 25 at a jewellery store in Handan, north eastern China.

Footage of her dramatic reaction has angered the Chinese online community since it emerged this week. Web users also questioned whether or not it was a marketing stunt by the store.

The female customer is thought to be choosing gold jewellery in the store at the time.

In the video, the woman was heard exclaiming: ‘You think I can’t afford it? What kind of shop is this?’

‘Do you believe it,’ she says as she slams on the counter, ‘I can buy the entire street.’

The woman then started rummaging around in her hand bag while continuing to shout at the shop assistant.

At one point, she screamed, ‘Do you know who my dad is?’

As she continued her tirade, she pulled out handfuls of cash, all in 100 Yuan (£10) notes, and threw them at the smiling but obviously embarrassed shop assistant.

She threw three large handfuls of cash into the woman’s face, estimated to be worth tens of thousands of Yuan (thousands of pounds), before another shopper intervened.

The woman then explained she just wanted to look at a bracelet.

During the whole episode, the shop assistant maintained her professionalism while other shoppers looked on.

It’s not clear where the footage first emerged or who it was filmed by although one version of the video on Youkou has had over 270,000 views.

It is not known if the incident is being investigated.

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