Pakistan Today

Kunduz capture

Despite Kunduz’s proximity with Tajikistan on the northern border of Afghanistan, the capture of provincial capital at the hands of Taliban, is significant which can have a direct or indirect impact on Pakistan. That the Northern Alliance’s key figure has helped Taliban gain control, the Abdullah Abdullah group seems stage-managing to collaborate for full control of Kabul. Will Taliban, mostly Pushtuns, accept it? Why the Pushtun Taliban have chosen Kunduz, the home ground of their rival non-Pushtun Northern Alliance is a question to have an answer.

Ashraf Ghani has already shown weakness by saying the Taliban are using humans as shield. It means the Taliban may not only consolidate their hold in north but their march towards Kabul and south on Pakistan border, with the help of NA, will pose a great challenge in near future. There seems a likelihood of Afghan Taliban announcing alliance with ISIS, just as TTP’s Khalid Khurasani announced some months ago. Then it means Pakistan will be facing an Afghanistan under Daesh’s control. Otherwise, there seems no common ground for NA to facilitate the Taliban.

What a plot! Pakistan has to be extra vigilant. Fresh offer of facilitating another round of talks, post-Ghani tirade, is likely to prove counterproductive. Already behind the scene propaganda is being made that sees Pakistani hands behind Kunduz move.



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