Admiral Zakaullah pledges to develop maritime sector in Pakistan


Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah in a message on the World Maritime Day on Monday pledged to make concentrated efforts towards the development of maritime sector in Pakistan.

“I look forward to a profound and cumulative response by all stakeholders to promote maritime awareness in order to achieve sustainable development in Pakistan’s maritime sector” the admiral said in his message.

Pakistan Navy celebrated the World Maritime Day by conducting a number of activities for awareness amongst the masses. Theme selected by International Maritime Organization (IMO) this year was “Maritime Education and Training.”

Chief of naval staff in his message on the occasion said that provision of quality education and training was fundamental in a flourishing maritime sector. The admiral said, “The world’s leading maritime nations adopted a strategy of elevating standards of maritime education and training in order to meet the challenges of contemporary world. In this regard, International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping provides necessary guidelines for institutionalization of requisite benchmarks.”

The naval chief said that Pakistan, as a signatory of this important instrument, was complying with the international requirements. However there was a dire need to be prepared for emerging challenges of maritime industry and to proactively contribute towards international endeavours to deal with these challenges.

Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah highlighted the fact that Pakistan was blessed with a long coastline and abundance of marine resources in our exclusive economic zone EEZ and extended limits of our continental shelf. He said that the country’s realization of this vast potential had so far been woefully inadequate. “The foremost need is to recognize this extremely important asset and promote maritime research and educational activities to accrue long term benefits from this rich resource,” the admiral said.

To celebrate the World Maritime Day, Pakistan Navy planned a wide range of activities to acquaint the people of its significance, raise maritime awareness and highlight Pakistan Navy’s contributions towards sustainable development of Pakistan’s maritime sector. A number of educational and awareness-raising activities including colorful maritime galas at Maritime Museum Karachi and Naval Complex Islamabad were arranged. A large number of families visited both venues and witnessed various stalls arranged by Pakistan Navy, Bahria University/National Centre for Maritime Policy Research, Karachi Port Trust, Port Qasim Authority, Pakistan Maritime Security Agency, Pakistan National Shipping Corporation, Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works and Maritime Technological Complex among others.

A special seminar on “Maritime Trade and Economy” was arranged by the National Centre for Maritime Policy Research Karachi. Ports and Shipping Minister Kamran Michael was chief guest at the event. A seminar was arranged on the day at Bahria University Islamabad as well. Quiz competitions and lectures were also held in Pakistan Navy to highlight the importance of maritime education and training in Pakistan.