Issues that Rangers can’t tackle


Imran Khan needs to understand how the system works


The secrecy that surrounds PML-N government’s dealings in political as well as economic matters continues to breed suspicions. The LNG purchase is just one of the several examples where lack of transparency has led many to question if the deal was in the best interest of the country. The hype about the Nandipur Power Plant and the distribution of prizes to those who set up the machinery despite the project failing to take off has also raised eyebrows. To ask for inquiry into some of the non-transparent projects is, therefore, understandable. What is not is insistence by Imran Khan to involve the Rangers and “all federal agencies” in the exercise. The Rangers are trained to look after the borders and help the civil administration in maintaining law and order when called for. It is a joke to ask the force which has no expertise in dealing with white collar crime to find out if the LNG deal was an honest bargain or why the Nandipur project failed to tick. And why call all federal agencies when a probe by NAB or a judicial commission would be sufficient?

There are many who think nothing will satisfy Imran Khan as long as he is in the opposition. While agreeing to the findings of the judicial enquiry commission, Imran Khan remains at heart un-reconciled to the idea of sitting on the opposition benches for over two years and a half. He has failed to emerge as an outstanding parliamentarian despite two stints in NA. He is however good at agitation and street politics and relishes the experience. Nawaz Sharif has ordered an audit of the Nandipur project both by the Auditor General of Pakistan and an audit firm of international repute. One also expects the government to come clean on the LNG purchase at the earliest. There is, however, little likelihood of anything satisfying the PTI chief as long as he is in the opposition.


  1. What system you mean Mr Editor? Show me the system and I will show you how to tackle. System without integrity is not a system. And when you lack character then no system works. Imran has plenty of it while I can’t say about you and the PML N Leadership.

  2. You also grudge the ability of a modern day soldier. The joke will be on you when you undergo the expertise of Rangers. Asim is one such joke. You can write whatever you wish without realizing your lack of knowledge about uniformed persons. This is not the colonial period. While soldiers know a lot of the class of this media, you don’t know a damn thing about soldiering

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