Hats off to Mr Modi


What greater gift would your enemy give to you than shedding off the facades of courteous behaviour that are manipulatively employed by it to conceal its true colours and hawkish intentions? Something similar in vein has been done by the current Indian government as it has once again manifested its anti-Pakistani sentiment that reigns large in its diplomatic policy towards Pakistan. The recurrent Indian violations at the LOCs and the consequent demise of our fellow brothers succumbing to injuries inflicted due to blatant Indian firing, is a clear indication of India’s war mongering nature. To add fuel to the fire, the statements rendered by the Indian defense minister and chief of army staff are indicative of India’s aggressive attitude and its non-seriousness in resolving its differences with Pakistan. India may be ready for “a short and swift war” with its enemies but so is Pakistan. We need not be taken for granted as we not only have the potential but the might as well to assert our authority in the times of crisis.

Ironically, every nefarious act of the Indian government backfires. They may employ the anti-Pakistan card to garner support of the masses in India and to divert the attention of the Indians from the basic issues confronted by them, which the government finds itself incapable of addressing. Yet what they do not realise is that their ill intended acts do more good to Pakistan than bad. One pertinent example is that of the Indian PM Narendra Modi’s address to the students at the University of Dhaka in which he affirmed the fact that the Indians played a vital role in the debacle of East Pakistan 1971.This reality was not under covers yet the affirmation of this treachery from the very mouth of the Indian sovereign is a clear indication that Indian politics still thrives on anti-Pakistan notions. Moreover, the RAW’s involvement in the internal affairs of Pakistan, particularly in fuelling Balochistan issue and backing APS Peshawar incident, is no hidden fact.

Such remarks from the Indian leaders have made it evident to the Pakistanis that India can never qualify as its friend. Once again the entire nation has united in its resolve against the aggressor nation, reiterating the spirit of 1965. We as a nation are indebted to Mr Modi for enabling us Pakistanis to resolve our differences and stand as united as we can in the face of crisis, something that our political and religious leaders failed to do.

