Altaf Husain’s unwarranted outbursts


MQM might find it difficult to exist with him


Altaf Hussain has turned into MQM’s biggest liability through his foot-in-mouth remarks. These have led to accusations of hate speech in Britain and in the case of his observations regarding Jinnah to universal condemnation in Pakistan. At a time when his down-and-out party badly needs friends, Hussain’s uncontrollable tongue continues to add to opponents.

The government rejected MQM’s resignations and providing it a face-saving device offered talks to enable it to return to the lawmaking bodies. Initially accepting the invitation, the MQM abruptly opted out of the dialogue, presumably at the instigation of its chief. Altaf Hussain justified the act by implying that government negotiators had indicated during the talks that they could not concede the party’s demands because of the army’s pressure. The statement was seen by the government as a “malicious attempt to create ill-will and misunderstanding among the stakeholders”. A Finance Ministry spokesman strongly denied Ishaq Dar having discussed anything related to the army on the question of MQM’s resignations nor making any claims that the prime minister was resisting pressure from any side to accept the resignations. The MQM chief thus closed a window of opportunity through an inappropriate remark.

At a time when the party has fallen on bad days and can ill afford to annoy any erstwhile ally, Altaf Hussain has offered fresh provocations to PPP. In a totally uncalled for affront the MQM chief insisted that if Lahore High Court’s ban on his speeches is justified, the judgment awarding death sentence to Zulfikar Ali Bhutto should also be accepted. Equally inopportune was the threat to initiate movement in Sindh for a separate province. To crown it all Hussain has accused Zardari of having deceived him twice and got him foul-mouthed by his men. This has evinced a quick retort from Zardari. The PPP, he said, would never let anyone to bifurcate Sindh.

Unless the MQM gathers courage to muzzle Altaf Hussain, there is going to be no end to its woes.