Making sense


MQM resignations

Nawaz Sharif’s calculated approach on the MQM matter seems to have broken the ice nicely, though not before running into a few roadblocks. First, the resignations – or something of the sort – were waiting to happen. The party was forced into a corner and was reacting. Then the Rashid Godil incident just as the Fazal card was playing out. And then MQM did not like it that the prime minister did not make time for them in Karachi. Now though, with the face-to-face in Islamabad, a number of developments are expected.

Nawaz made it pretty clear, rightly, that the operation was in the interest of everyone, including MQM. Therefore, there is no question of it being compromised in any way. Statistics show that the previous few months have been the most peaceful in Karachi in many, many years. This is significant progress and must not be allowed to lose momentum. But now the time has also come for the operation to become more inclusive. Granted, there can be no question of allowing political militancy, extortion, controlled crime, etc. Yet it is important to net affiliates of all major power brokers in this messy conflict. That, of course, will be best for the people of Karachi.

Nawaz seems to have learnt the lessons of political mediation quite well. With the war, PTI provocations, and unrest in Punjab, MQM problems were the last thing he needed. Plus this gave him another chance to wax eloquent about his efforts to promote democracy and reconciliation. He would have made a stronger case if he, and his ministers, took the two Houses a little more seriously. That is also where this matter is better debated. MQM needs to stay in the Assemblies, especially now that the PM has promised fair play. And hopefully the operation will be allowed to proceed without unnecessary friction.