Security situation


And the Attock fallout


Ch Nisar seemed optimistic about apprehending the Attock attackers the other day, but something seems out of place as information seeps through. That Shuja Khanzada received his share of death threats has been common knowledge for a while now. But since the government had requested him to stay away from Shadi Khel, as the interior minister clarified, how could the seasoned terrorist hunter walk so easily into such a straight forward trap? Not only did he understand the enemy’s modus operandi because of the nature of his work, but he also spent some years in military intelligence during his service. Why did he not take even the minimum precautions necessary?

More importantly, even if personal security was not top-most on his mind, why did the government not provide adequate security to Punjab’s sitting home minister, especially when it was in possession of actionable information? An SSP of the special branch has apparently been ‘removed’ for ‘failing to provide proper intelligence’, but far more will have to be done.

Then there is the matter of catching those responsible. Surely the N-league is stung by the loss of one of its finest, and bravest, members. But what exactly does Ch Nisar mean by “the culprits are on our target, we are waiting for completion of the investigation”? Those responsible shouted out that they did it. As the government completes its investigation, it must also contemplate what to do about such follow up claims. It does not make the government look strong, surely, that its chief crime fighter has just been killed because of lack of official security, and it is busy conducting investigations while the killers market their deed all over the news. Ch Nisar must impress upon his superiors that the reason for terrorists to continue striking is the government’s inability to get the National Action Plan (NAP) rolling. It is an excellent action plan on paper, but minus necessary political will it will amount to nothing. And our heroes will continue to be easy targets for our enemies.