RETO Foundation launches Self-Learning Initiative Program in Interior Sindh


RETO Foundation organised a program on independence day that included performances by the youth of the town and its community engagement projects ongoing for the past two years.

RETO is an engaging initiative by young professionals from both Tando Jam and Karachi. The driving force behind the planning and logistics of the event was its student body, SHADES.

The event marked the closing of RETO’s Smart Study Program (SSP) 2015 in which students were trained in efficient study techniques, inter-personal communication, problem solving skills and prepped for university and scholarship applications during summer vacations. Awards were handed out to the faculty, teaching assistants and top students of the program. Also on display were the science projects which the students made during the program. The audience highly appreciated the enthusiastic efforts displayed by all stakeholders involved in this voluntary association.

The Chief Guest of the event was the Vice Chancellor of Sindh Agricultural University Tando Jam, Dr. Mujeeb-ud-din Sahrai. He spoke passionatelyabout the importance of embracing technology and the community’s responsibility towardsits own development. Mr. Sahrai advocated freedom of choice for students and requested parents to allow their children to explore the unprecedented possibilities, the 21st century offers.

In addition to SSP students and their parents, among the participants were Regional Director, Sindh Education Foundation, ImamBakshArisar, from Mirpurkhas; representative from AlifAilaan -Andeel Ali; Community Based High School Tando Jam Principal,Sir Jameel, and other notable individuals from Tando Jam and nearby union councils.

The event served as a launching of RETO’s Self Learner’s Initiative. This program is expected to start in September 2015 and is designed for students from Grades 3-8.The program aims to introduce computer as a language which will allow students to become their own guide and learn innumerable ways through which computer can be accessed to connect with the global society of ideas and individuals.

During the event, the community was also introduced by Nabeel Muhammad, Co-founder and Director Strategy of RETO Foundation of other initiatives planned by RETO including SHADES women chapter, student clubs, computer and book drives, and upcoming online portal for connecting students.

To mark the Independence Day with celebrations, a music session was conducted by the band ‘Christian Boys’, local music played by Haree Dev, and renditions of Sindhi folk and patriotic songs performed by members of SHADES. The event concluded with a powerful mime performance directed by SHADES member and current NCA student Tabish along with Sabirwhich brought the audience to their feet.