More MQM problems


And political repercussions


The MQM situation was a volcano waiting to explode. And now that push has come to shove, it has stood not just the Karachi operation, but also the wider political order, on knife edge. Altaf Hussain’s stipulation is interesting. The resignations can be withdrawn if the operation is made more expansive; even though many people, including Farooq Sattar, initially believed they would be accepted immediately. That makes for a more accommodative stance after having shown some aggression. And it scores a point against PPP, especially after the bitter parting of ways from the Sindh government.

Other options are more chaotic, not the least since the resignations have ignited yet another firestorm in and outside parliament. Just like the recent PTI controversy, some want MQM out immediately while others argue why they should stay. But far more significantly, there is the matter of the massive by-election that will follow. Pundits still back PTI to score significant points, which suits neither PML-N nor PPP. That would explain the reluctance to accept the resignations. It would also significantly muddy the waters in Karachi, making the operation that much more controversial. Rumours of serious rifts within MQM will not make things any easier, of course.

In the presence of so many variables, it is important to focus on the constants. True, the Karachi Operation has gone a long way in restoring normalcy to the city. Indeed, it has reduced crime statistics to levels not seen in many years. Yet it is also true that it has not been as across-the-board as initially believed; at least not yet. And while Rangers should not be made to reduce their pressure, the political leadership must ensure any genuine grievances are addressed. That is why PPP’s position, that everybody must talk to MQM, was perhaps the sanest of the initial feedback. The coming few days will be very important, not just for Karachi, but also for Islamabad. Hopefully the political leadership is up to the test that has come its way.