Iran again offers 3,000MW electricity to Pakistan


After striking truce with western countries on nuclear deal, Iran is ready to export 3000MW electricity to Pakistan raising hopes that the economic cooperation will be increased after lifting economic sanctions on Tehran.

Both the countries have decided to undertake feasibility studies to add more provisions of electricity for this mutual cooperation. Pakistan’s high-level delegation will visit Iran for negotiating Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for 1000 megawatt. Both the countries were discussing provision of 1000MW electricity provision but they remained unable to finalise the deal in the wake of economic sanctions imposed by the United Nations and other western allies of USA.

Iranian Ambassador Ali Raza met Secretary Ministry of Water and Power Mohammad Younus Dagha. According to announcement made by the ministry of water and power, various ongoing and future energy projects came under discussion.

The secretary water and power while acknowledging the Iranian offer for export of electricity to Pakistan said that both the countries were already working on the proposal and modalities for 1000MW which were in its final stages. He said that this phase could be readily executed.

It was agreed during the meeting that a high-level delegation would visit Iran shortly to negotiate and finalise power purchase agreement for 1000MW of electricity that Iran offered to export to Pakistan.

The Iranian ambassador emphasised that after 5+1 agreement, his country was keen to speed up power sector cooperation between Pakistan and Iran. The ambassador highlighted that Iran was ready to export 3000MW electricity to Pakistan. It was also agreed that the delegation would also discuss modalities for completion of feasibilities for additional 2000MW export to Pakistan to take the total to 3000MW.