Ignorance is no excuse


Eng Khursheed Anwar has said in a letter published in the English daily Pakistan Today of 31 July, 2015, that KBD had become a victim of ignorance. This is very true but ignorance is no excuse for not building KBD as it is said that ignorance of law is no excuse. A former Prime Minister from PPP had said that KBD had been a victim of politics. The above assumption indicates that KBD had been a victim of ignorant politicians. But will the politicians like Mr Qaim Ali Shah go scot free from destroying Pakistan from floods by not making a storage dam below Tarbela where heavy rains are forecasted in future as at present.

Floods are caused more by torrential rains below Tarbela where half a dozen rivers have confluence to add to water from glacier and snow melt as also monsoon rains in summers. These days 1.8 lac cusecs is flowing below Kotri whereas more than 5 lac cusecs is passing from Sukkur barrage. Our barrages are threatened to breaking point by pressure of flood water but some wizards from Sindh are accusing upper riparian for releasing flood water instead of failure of Pakistan to build a reservoir like KBD thus bamboozling people of Sindh and Pakistan about the nature of storage dams that don’t consume water but store it for times of need. This simple point is not understood by Sindhi nationalists which is a pity as their ignorance is no excuse.

