Changing times


Need to be resourceful


Much is changing in the region, and beyond, which is why Pakistan must be mindful of its own interests in charting its way forward. Considering the country’s own existential war, and how close Pakistan came to breaking down – security and economy wise – the need to be ahead of the curve has not been greater in living memory. This seems like a ‘reset’ time in international politics. Long standing alliances are coming under strain, the unlikeliest of associations are being made, and even maps, carved out decades ago, might need to be redrawn. Pakistan, too, must therefore reposition itself in this new scheme of things.

At the centre of this shift, somehow, is the US thaw with Iran. It has cracked the alliance with Gulf states, especially the House of Saud. It has also ‘revised’, somewhat, the US free hand to the usual bully in the Middle East – Israel. Seldom has the Israeli head of state been as upset with Washington as Bibi Netanyahu is with the Obama administration. Opposition efforts to de-track negotiations by implying that Republicans – whenever they come to office – will simply roll back the advance also do not hold much water. The White House was smart enough to involve enough international powers to keep the deal from being undone.

It is not mere coincidence that Washington and Tehran have reached an understanding just when the two have had their interests aligned with regard to the new war against Da’ish. It seems the Americans realised, however belatedly, that their old best Muslim friends in the region – GCC – still stood at the other end of the spectrum. Their efforts to bankroll the Syrian rebels – with their usual resort to mullah militias – included doling out funds and arms to groups like Jabhat al-Nusra (Syria’s al Qaeda affiliate) and ISIS. Pakistan, too, faces an imminent infiltration of Da’ish. And since there is a clear divide on the issues relating to cajoling militants between Riyadh and Tehran, Pakistan must be very wise in charting its foreign policy course from here. There is a great need to be resourceful.


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