White Lies


Holiday season is upon us! The swish set have their hearts set upon Europe (an old favourite) and the Far East (a relatively new one.)

But gone are the days when one would have to fend for oneself abroad. Oh, perish the thought! For the new trend is to travel with maid in tow. Yes, you read that right. No doing the dishes in Catalonia or Phuket!

And the other obsession, of course, is to make sure the world knows your travel itinerary by heart through carpet bombing your social media contacts with your travel photos. Because, if you went to a forest in Germany and no one saw you go there, did you really go there?


The spin doctors of the PTI are in a bit of a fix, following the verdict of the special judicial commission that was set up to investigate the charges of rigging the ’13 elections.

The pickle: had they simply rejected the verdict outright, they might have been called shameless and childish (not virgin territory for the party anymore) but their stance would have been consistent. But with the party chairman accepting the elections, the media managers don’t know what to say. Which is why the likes of party spokesperson Naeemul Haque, never a poster boy for calm dialogue at the best of times, stormed out of a talk-show the other day.

There is some confusion in the ranks, with some slinging mud at the members of the commission and others accepting the decision. Both options have their pitfalls and advantages. But expect a lot of U-turns before the dust settles in this front.