The ugly face of ISIL


It is time for us to take on all terrorists especially ISIL and expose their ugly face. This is an organization, which, like other terrorists working under the garb of their distorted version of Islamic fundamentalism, has mostly inflicted pain on Muslims all over world, killing and maiming them, spreading venom of sectarian strife, weakening every country with a majority Muslim population, rendering them unable to confront any external threats from those who have very intelligently exploited religion to create this monster. Today, Islam, a religion whose Prophet (PBUH) preached peace, tolerance, patience, acquiring of knowledge and stressed upon human values, has been misrepresented and wrongly portrayed in the image, which only those who are opposed to Islam would like it to be seen. Since these various terrorist organizations have emerged, numerous Muslim majority countries have disintegrated, reduced to pariah states, isolating them from community of nations. Countries like Afghanistan have been reduced to rubbles, while nations like Iraq, Syria and Libya have been engulfed in civil wars, to the benefit and delight of Israel.

Pakistan, sole nuclear power in Islamic bloc is on the radar of those who have masterminded these terrorists. They are trying to destroy our institutions, foment ethnic and sectarian strife exploiting the corrupt bureaucracy and rotten eggs within law enforcement and security apparatus. If we allow them to succeed, they would like to disintegrate this country from within, to the delight of both India and Israel.

Unless we cut off funding which finances these terrorists, this Frankenstein’s monster cannot be defeated. Both criminal economy and external finances need to be eliminated with an iron hand. Rampant corruption, money laundering, unchecked flight of capital and ease with which external financing and criminal economy is booming, serves as fuel for the engine that drives terrorism. Pakistan’s disciplined military under the leadership of Gen Raheel must work in cohesion with elected civil government, ensuring that constitution remains supreme, and nobody is above law or accountability; otherwise, history will never forgive them. Laws are there to be implemented, not broken as is being done in Pakistan by few within the ruling elite.


Dubai, UAE