Imran Khan gets daughter’s footprint tattooed on chest


    Mumbai – Our Bollywood Correspondent: Imran Khan, the Bollywood celebrity who is not to be confused with any other individual bearing his name, has tattooed the footprint of his daughter Imara on his chest.

    Khan’s daughter Imara is ten months (not twenty-three years) old.

    The tattoo is inspired by a beautiful gesture that Khan’s mother made when he was born. She had traced out his footprint as a baby and framed it. But the Bollywood (not cricket) celebrity went one step further and had the footprint of his daughter inked on his chest.

    The 32-year-old actor already had two other tattoos on his body but he doesn’t have a total of three children.

    Though the actor’s spokesperson says it is merely a coincidence, the inking comes at a time when the BJP government in Delhi has launched a “Selfie With Daughter” campaign that is meant to improve the status of the girl child in the country. The spokesperson maintains that even though the actor has never tried to topple the democratically-elected government in Delhi, he is not a BJP supporter.

    Lawrence D’Cruz, the Goan tattoo artist who inked the print on the Delhi Belly star, said it was not about a girl child or boy child. It was just a gesture of love of a father for his child. “What sort of characterless man doesn’t want to show love to his own flesh and blood? Some do it in subtle ways, others in a slightly more expressive way like Imran here, but all men worth their salt do it.”

    When contacted, Imran Khan confirmed the story and added, “Imara is my firstborn, and I wanted a tattoo that I would cherish forever.”