Where is the alternative narrative?


This is apropos various articles and letters in the media urging to expose Daesh and its likes’ evil faces. No one can disagree with the contention put forward by writers that activities of Deash and other such terrorist outfits who are using religion to promote their wicked causes, are in fact the most worrisome issue for the entire Muslim world. But just rejecting their acts declaring them as un-Islamic is not going to solve the problem, at least in the long run. They have been propagating a narrative which they claim is based on religious scriptures and guidance provided by the Prophet (PBUH) and his close associates. Whether we like it or not, that narrative is getting popularity not only across Muslim world but also attracting hundreds of Muslim youth from Western countries who are severely gripped by the identity crisis.

The question is where is our alternative narrative to undo what Daesh, Al-Qaeda and the likes are putting forward in this ideological war? Putting aside conspiracy theories that the West is promoting such outfits and characters, facts remain to be tackled — it’s an ideological war, can’t be won only by weapons (even if we win, that would be short lived). We need to counter Daesh and its likes on their own battle field — to defeat them by presenting and proving the true message of Islam of peace, harmony, inclusiveness, justice for all, gender equality, respect for other religions and communities. Otherwise, the fire started from dusty towns of Iraq and Syria is now spreading across the entire region. Are we ready to put forward an alternative narrative and defeat Daesh on its own turf? Mere blanket condemnation won’t work anymore.


Jubail, Saudi Arabia