Pakistan Today

Misplaced priorities

This letter is not to support dictatorships but to state facts only. Even dictator like Napoleon, who violated constitution and trampled liberty, justice and human rights had sense to realize that water air and clean environment were main ingredients for human existence. Our own first dictator probably drew inspiration from Neapolitan’s quote that “water air and cleanness are chief articles in my pharmacy,” constructed two mega dams, Mangla and Tarbela, without which large parts of Punjab would turn into Thar like desert.

In contrast, our current rulers nursed and nurtured in the laboratory of another despot, now wearing garb of democracy seem to be oblivious to the basic needs of clean drinking water and clean air. This is evident from their desire to construct motorways, highways, flyovers, run metro busses, and distribute laptops for their own glorification. They are more keen on catering to needs of rich and powerful than fulfilling basic needs of poor. Such project not only divert funds that can be better unitised on ensuring provision of clean water and health facilities, many of such mega projects erode into green belts taking away little bit of greenery we have.

The recent havoc rains have played in Rawalpindi is one example of such misguided priorities. Also, one wonders what will come out of this unrealistic and superfluous wish of building huge concrete structure when entire space is covered by a thick layer of dust smoke and human waste and suffocates the lives of people? It is time, rulers and their supporters, media, intellectuals, scholars, architects, and all others who matter in the scheme of things to think seriously for a comprehensive solution to avoid tragedies like heat waves, cold spells, and floods.



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