Pakistan Today

Pakistan’s glaciers melting faster than the worlds’


Pakistan’s 5000 glaciers are retreating faster than any other part of the world, according to Pakistan Economic Survey 2014-15.

Pakistan is listed amongst the countries highly vulnerable to the impacts of climatic change due to its diverse topographic and demographic settings.

The survey notes the recurring extreme events, including flash floods, cyclones, heat waves, droughts, glacial lake outburst floods and intrusion of saline seawater into the Indus River Delta Region, that Pakistan has faced in the recent years carried significant climate change footprints.

According to the survey, Pakistan suffered economic losses of more than US$15 billion during floods of 2010 to 2012.

Further, it is inflicting huge losses to human life and property and is also causing additional stress on the sustainability and access to natural resources both for the present and future generations.

In Pakistan alone, additional $6 to $14 billion are required annually to adapt to the climate change adverse impacts.

Pakistan’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are low compared to international standards. In 2008, Pakistan’s total GHG emissions were 310 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents.

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