Now or never


These days hundreds of deaths are being reported in Karachi due to heat and lack of water and shortage of power. Writers are accusing the rulers in not building a mega dam like KBD that would have solved the chronic problem of water and power shortage for all times to come. However inspite of the dire need for a dam no action has been taken by politicians to solve the problem of water and power shortages. Piles of dead bodies are being deposited in freezing chambers in Karachi which are reported to be stinking due to overloading of freezers. Things have reached a level that can’t await a solution.

KBD has to be built posthaste in a few years as the nation cannot afford to exist under the present conditions. The politicians are to blame as they are responsible for making KBD a victim of politics. Every disaster is described as “beauty of democracy”. In fact democracy in our land has not delivered and people are dying in hundreds each day but nobody is ready to move as if they are in a stupor. The PM appears to be suffering from memory lapse as demonstrated in a recent episode of forgetting the name of ‘Chaman’, a city on the border of Balochistan. He has apparently forgotten the name of KBD which he promised at the time of exploding six nuclear devices in 1998.




  1. It has become a fair game to blame the victims themselves for the man made misery. The recent catastrophe visited upon the poor people of Karachi is the prime eXample of this sort. A nation imbued with the spirit of helping others is being taxed by the print and electronic media with barge of columns, essays and critiques of the victims. these wretched class , the beggars and street persons ' live had no meaning for the elite class. These paid touts of the government information ministry are polluting the minds of the people with their biased opinions.

    The voices of sanity are drowned in the noises of the surroundings. The Silence is deafening and governmental apathy is killing the soul . We are out numbered by the gang of thieves and dacits sitting comfortably in their air conditioned parlors. These care free elite is oblivious of the plight of the common man.

  2. Had Nawaz Sharief even an iota of patriotism , honesty, competence, good governance, he would have requested China to build Kala Bagh Dam on an emergency basis, in order to address acute shortage of electricity and water, instead of going for motorways, bullet trains, recently built metro bus at lahore, rawalpindi costing Rs 100 billion, Even previous investment on making Lahore – Islamabad Motorway is a worthless preposition in the eyes of 200 mi llion people dying of hunger, malnutrition, rampant poverty, diseases with no treatment facility, worst scenario i n the education sector,Regrletfully, hardly 20% of road users between lahore islamabad ply on motorway and rest 80% use G.T Road. Self conceived priories solely based on vested interest have ruined the country as far publi welfare is concerned.

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