MQM not allowed to table resolution against Kh Asif


The Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) was not allowed by the Sindh Assembly speaker to table condemnation resolution against Defence Minister Khawaja Asif on the third day of session.

Members of the MQM tried to bring in the resolution but Speaker Agha Siraj Durrani didn’t give permission and said the resolution would be considered after June 25 when the budget session would end. MQM member Muhammad Hussain said the importance of the resolution would finish after such a long interval.

During the session, PML-F member Nusrat Saher Abbasi protested against the change of her seat which resulted in an exchange of harsh words between her and the speaker.

She said there was nothing for Sindh in the budget. For the past two days, the government officials were being arrested whereas the mirror in which the authorities could see their corruption had itself become blind, she added.

On the other hand, Pakistan Peoples Party’s (PPP) Imdad Patafi stated that people of Sindh had rejected those in elections who pleaded for dual system. He also said that PPP was the heir to Sindh nation and not Nusrat Saher. On this occasion, a fierce argument was held between Nusrat Saher and Imdad Patafi after which the speaker removed non-parliamentary words from the proceedings. The budget session was adjourned till the Saturday morning.