Five bogies of Bolan Mail derailed near Rukk Railway Station on Tuesday morning and five people injured in the incident. The cause behind derailment was stated to be a 20-feet breach in DaduCanal that occurred near Rukk village.
The breach took place in the wee hours of Tuesday, but nobody was aware of it, except the villagers. The area was inundated by the breach water. Five train passengers were injured, who were rescued by the villagers.
Bolan Mail train was going to Quetta from Karachi. When it crossed Shahnawaz Bhutto railway station, the railway authorities posted there gave it a green signal but the train kept on moving with its usual speed. When the train reached near Rukk Railways Station, the driver found water all around and he applied brakes due to which five bogies derailed.
The injured included Sumair Shaikh, Waqar Shaikh and others who are residents of Larkana. The people of nearby villages including Channa Wandh, Jamali village and others came out of their homes and rescued passengers. They told media that about 20 villages had so far been inundated and water was spreading fast but the irrigation department officials had not reached the spot to fill the breach which had caused tremendous loss to their valuables and cattle.
Divisional Superintendent, Sukkur, Mian Fazalullah, arrived at the scene and inquired about the incident from the travelling passengers. He said the incident occurred due to sudden breach in DaduCanal for which irrigation authorities had been informed about besides Deputy Commissioner, Shikarpur. Mian said the railway traffic would soon be restored after repairing the track.