The burden of the past


Peaceful relations between India and Pakistan


More than a dozen Pakistani ambassadors serving in different countries have recommended that the government stick with its ‘peaceful neighbourhood’ policy instead of getting distracted by the Indian leadership’s anti-Pakistan rhetoric. The US State Department has advised both India and Pakistan to reduce tension and resume dialogue. China has consistently supported improved and peaceful relations with India. Nawaz Sharif has also advocated friendly relations between the two countries. Inspite of all this there is little chance of improvement of ties between the neighbouring countries anytime soon. The reason is simple. The Indian policy is made by the establishment rather than the Prime Minister. The continuous confrontation will require Pakistan Army to remain simultaneously engaged on three fronts: North Waziristan, Pak-Afghan border as well as the LoC and Pak-India border.

While the army fights the terrorists in North Waziristan, it also aims at clearing the urban centres from the terrorists. The implementation of the National Action Plan has been stayed because the seminaries, banned outfits and extremist organisations all claim to be anti-India and consider action against themselves as something in violation of national interests. This explains why no action was taken against the supporters of the IS from Lal Masjid and the regulation and oversight of seminaries remains stalled while banned outfits continue to collect funds, hold public meetings and rallies with impunity.

The establishment has yet to disabuse itself of the notion of strategic assets which among other things is causing fresh problems with the government of President Ashraf Ghani. Despite Nawaz Sharif declaring the enemies of Afghanistan as the enemies of Pakistan, the Afghan Taliban continue to launch terrorist attacks inside Afghanistan while their leaders live in Pakistan. On Monday a senior Taliban leader and shadow governor for Nangarhar province was shot dead in Peshawar. Why doesn’t the government tell its guests like Mullah Baradar and others to put an end to the attacks, hold talks with the Afghan government and if they refuse, hand them over to the Afghan government?


  1. Pakistan has its tail caught between its legs, and hence they speak of peace. Nobody believes Pakistan.

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