Indian hostility towards Pakistan


Unfounded and unfortunate



The insurgency in Balochistan has invariably been supported by foreign powers, who taking advantage of the situation have been trying to achieve their objectives in the region. Initially Afghanistan supported the revolt by the brother of Khan of Kalat against the agreement for Balochistan joining Pakistan, which was effectively put down. Then between1973-77 Iraq and Soviet Union supported the insurgency led by Nawab Khair Bux Marri. The current insurgency which began with the surfacing of Balochistan Liberation Army in 2000, is supported by India. The Indian involvement in Balochistan and connivance with the Karzi government for cross-border terrorist attacks in Pakistan from the Afghan soil are irrefutable realities.

According to media reports, Latifullah Mehsud, second in command of the TTP, who was captured by the NATO-ISAF forces in Afghanistan in February 2013, confessed during the interrogation that Kabul-Delhi nexus was harbouring ‘safe havens’ across the Durand Line and using them for subversive and terrorist activities within Pakistan. He is further reported to have told his interrogators that the attacks on Major General Sanaullah Khan and others in Dir, suicide attack on a church in Peshawar, bomb blast in Qissa Khawani bazaar and assault on the provincial secretariat were masterminded by the same nexus and executed through local militants. It is noteworthy that Latifullah Mehsud before his arrest had met key figures in Kabul and chief of Afghan intelligence and was being escorted by the Afghan Army when he was picked up.

Former Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in his meeting with the former Pakistan Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani on the sidelines of the NAM Summit in Sharm-el-Shaikh in 2009, when confronted with the evidence of Indian involvement in Balochistan, reportedly did accept this reality and subsequently had to face harsh criticism by the Indian opposition and media for this alleged groveling act towards Pakistan when he returned home.

Recently Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and COAS General Raheel Sharif visited Kabul with concrete evidence of the involvement of RAW in terrorist acts in Pakistan and demanded the dismantling of the training camps that the Indian intelligence agency had established in the border belt. The intelligence outfits of the two countries have also signed an agreement to share intelligence and to thwart the designs of the enemies of Pakistan and Afghanistan, which is a positive development as far as fighting the scourge of terrorism collectively is concerned.

There has been a significant increase in the frequency and intensity of the RAW sponsored terrorist attacks in Pakistan after the launch of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. Reportedly a special wing has been created within RAW to sabotage the project. The recent bellicose blustering by the Indian leaders, especially by the Indian defence minister of dealing terrorism with terrorism, leave no iota of doubt regarding Indian involvement in the acts of terrorism in Pakistan. The spate of horrendous terrorists attacks like the killing of Punjabi labourers in Turbat, Safoora killings and the cold-blooded massacre of Pushtuns at Mastung on 29th May by Baloch militants are ominous portents in regards to the implementation of the projects to be established in Balochistan under the umbrella of the CPEC.

All these incidents bear the signatures of RAW. The latest episode represents change of tactics by the Indian intelligence. Initially it were the Punjabis and the settlers who were being targeted, a move which failed to achieve the desired results, thanks to the actions taken by our security agencies and the government to deal with the situation. Now an attempt has been made to stir up confrontation between the Baloch and Pashtun communities who have been living in peace and harmony with each other. These terrorist acts are clearly meant to destabilise Pakistan through creation of volatile security situation, especially in Balochistan and to scare away the Chinese investors. However, the way the Balochistan government and the political parties have handled the situation to thwart the eruption of hostilities between the two communities is really very commendable.

The federal government and the military establishment have also shown unswerving resolve and commitment in dealing with the emerging threats. In the wake of the Mastung tragedy the Prime Minister along with the COAS General Raheel Sharif visited the headquarter of ISI where the situation arising out of the latest developments were discussed threadbare besides sharing of intelligence on involvement of RAW in incidents of terrorism. A strategy to deal with the situation reportedly was also firmed up. Taking notice of the statements of the Indian leaders, the Prime Minister declared unequivocally that Pakistan government would take all measures to control and foil anti-Pakistan acts. The resolve and determination expressed by him, which is unreservedly shared by the military leadership, is indeed very reassuring.

The civilian and military leadership being on one page in regards to the challenges confronting the country, including terrorism and their continuous consultations on the policies and strategies to deal with them is the need of the hour. The CPEC provides an historic opportunity to the resource-constrained Pakistan to reinvigorate the febrile economy and put the country on the path of sustained economic growth and becoming the regional economic hub. The enormity of the economic benefits of CPEC for Pakistan and China and its overall impact on the geo-political and geo-economic environment in the region has really raised Pakistan’s stake in CPEC. Therefore, giving top priority to the implementation of the projects under CPEC and ensuring their completion on schedule by controlling the security situation and curbing the machinations of the enemies to scuttle the venture, is absolutely essential for Pakistan.

It is encouraging to note that the government is fully alive to the situation and understands the importance of the CPEC and with the support of the military leadership, is taking all necessary measures to ensure the success of the CPEC. A special force is being raised to protect the infrastructure and to provide security to the people working on the projects related to CPEC including the Chinese personnel. The government has also made an earnest effort to assuage the apprehensions of some political parties in regards to change of route of the Corridor by convening APC and enlisting unqualified support for CPEC, which was imperative to give national ownership to it. That ends the political controversy on the internal front which was also indispensable for assuring the Chinese leadership that their investments and collaboration with Pakistan under CPEC was a national commitment by the latter in view of the envisaged timeframe for its completion.

However, while the government and the military establishment take the required measures to deal with the insurgents and terrorists on the internal front, it is also desirable to sensitise the international community about the Indian support for insurgency and terrorism in Pakistan and also raising the issue at the forum of the United Nations with a view to unmask the real face of the secular India and building pressure on her to desist from anti-Pakistan acts.

It is really regrettable that the Modi government in India has failed to respond to the positive overtures by Pakistan to end hostility towards each other and making a new beginning through resolution of the disputes between the two countries, including Kashmir, through peaceful means. It has instead chosen to rev up the confrontation. India needs to realise that its continued hostility towards Pakistan and acts of sabotage through her intelligence outfit, would surely have a boomerang effect and in the long run also undermine her own interests. A state that likes war cannot survive in the long run no matter how strong it is.