Gaps and challenges in education spending


Need more resources to invest in education to enrol out-of-school children


Pakistan adopted six Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and education is one of them: to achieve 100 per cent primary enrolment with high retention and gender parity by 2015. The deadline is coming close but statistics show that we are unable to meet the targets we committed to. According to estimates from 2014, the Primary Net Enrolment Rate is 57 per cent against the target of 100 per cent, while gender parity in education access is 0.88. The survival rate at primary level is 67 per cent, which implies that 33 per cent students could not complete primary education. With this gloomy picture of the education sector in Pakistan, it is important to glance over public education financing and to find spending patterns that indicate inefficiencies.

First of all it is necessary to check whether we are allocating enough financial resources to education.

Currently we spend two per cent of GDP, and 20 per cent of our total budget is dedicated to education spending as of 2014 and 2015 (previously it was 10 per cent of the total budget). What we want to look at is whether this is enough to cater to the needs of the education sector. In Pakistan, 6.2 million children are still out of school (2014). The infrastructure condition of existing schools is not satisfactory, and about 40 per cent of the educational institutions don’t have basic facilities such as electricity, water, toilet and boundary wall; 10 per cent of school buildings in the country are in dangerous condition.

The learning outcomes of students are not up to the mark, and according to a recent calculation by Alif Ailaan from data of ASER, 48 per cent class-5 students are unable to read Urdu and English meant for class-2. This means we not only need more schools and infrastructure, but once we enrol 6.2 million out of school children we need to work on the quality of education. Furthermore, we need to rationalise the allocation for different levels of education (primary, secondary and tertiary) and function wise allocation like salary, non-salary allocation.

The major portion of the education budget is being spent in recurrent expenses: more than 80 per cent and a meagre 20 per cent is set aside for development expenses. This limits investment in new infrastructure and capacity building of the education sector.

An analysis of the split of current budget exposed that provinces are spending around 90 per cent of their budget on salaries, and only 10 per cent on non-salary expenses. Non-salary expenses comprise repairs and maintenance (furniture and fixture and building structures), rents, utilities, communication and physical assets. Keeping in mind the afore mentioned facts about missing facilities and building satisfactory conditions, is this lower spending on non-salary expenses justified?

Moving forward, lower allocation is not the only problem, its ineffective utilisation is another issue that needs to be addressed. The analysis of data from PIFRA SAP System in ISAPS report tells that the management of educational institutes failed to spend all allocated funds, and that the phenomenon of underspending is severe in case of development funds than funds for recurrent expenses. So, this is another area needs to be explored by the researchers to put their finger on the real reason for this pattern.

Some of the studies in selected areas exposed reasons like complicated access to non-salary budget, procurement issues, slow tendering, lack of staff to handle accounts and late arrival of funds. Moreover, some schools have to depend on other schools that have access to Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDO).

Discussion on education budget without evaluating level wise budget shares is incomplete.

The major share of the budget is going to the primary level (according to the PRSP budgetary expenditures) followed by the secondary and tertiary level. But unfortunately the per-pupil expenditure at primary level is lower than the secondary level. Again the question arises for policy makers to review the share of primary level per-pupil expenditure and assist students in successfully transitioning from primary to secondary level.

The budget making process is also marred with errors, and not efficient enough to capture the true/exact needs of the coming year. Budget making process is important enough to influence the allocation for different sub-heads and then ultimately influencing the educational outcomes. Analysing the budget making process in KPK and Punjab identifies a list of weaknesses. The majority of the districts did not receive Budget Call Letters and budget calendars on time. They don’t prepare statement of excess and surrender and Schedule of New Expenditures (SNE). That is the reason behind a lot of revisions in budgetary estimates and supplementary grants since SNE is the estimation of expenditures for the required new staffs for existing and new schools.

A large number of districts don’t propose new development projects largely due to the lack of skilled budget staff and capacity issues which hinder an efficient budget making process. The pre-budget consultation is also very weak, indicating low stakeholder participation and limited criticism on budget hence ultimately the budget fails to reflect the public demands.

So, it is time to evaluate critically budgets and address the shortcomings to get desired results. Because, spending on education will ultimately lead to GDP growth (up to 2.5 per cent) and a permanent shift towards better socio-economic development.


  1. It was nice reading your well written piece with elements of realistic ground realities at grass roots level, in the face of gaps and challenges in our education spending.
    I appreciate your criteria regarding the “Quality of Education,” by comparing Urdu/English reading ability of class V student which seems below of that expected from class II.
    However, your finding, “Per pupil expenditure at Primary level lower than the Secondary level (despite the higher allocation to Primary level) should not be surprising, as it may due to higher enrollments at Primary level and among others, the additional cost of laboratories, library & sports expenses at Secondary level.
    I agree and support your recommendation, for a critical evaluation of budgets (our researchers all time task/challenge?) for GDP growth and permanent shift towards better Socio-Economic development in our country.
    Congratulation and I look forward to many more from your pen, inshallah.
    Best wishes,

    • Thanks Sir, for the appreciation.
      I agree with your point of view regarding higher secondary Per-pupil expenditure but I suggest that government should try to reduce the gap between primary and secondary level PPE. It may be by raising the allocation for primary level infrastructure and teachers training because the number of untrained teachers at primary level is higher than at secondary level and %age of primary schools having basic facilities (around 60%) is lower than the %age of secondary schools with basic facilities (around 80%).

  2. Its really a nice effort to summing up all the hurdles in the education sector at one place, i must appreciate your true effort and dedication behind this work and i would love to suggest you one more important problem in this sector which is according to me the quality of education we are getting at each level.
    Please do some research on it as well and i love to see your voice on this important issue as well.
    Keep good writting and do more good result oriented research in future as well.
    Keep it up.

    • Thanks, Haider.

      Yes , definitely low quality of education is another important issue to be addressed and needs a comprehensive analysis. This area is already in my work plan, will share the results once done with it.

  3. one of the best articles over the issue, shortcomings highlighted in the article are cent % commendable , but we should own up the reality that no matter how little amount is being allocated to educatin sector, there are many flaws on side of ppl in the education stream. even if we utilize the allocated amount in judicious way results will be far better than our expectations but dilemma with our national mind set remains the same we own what belongs to us directly.if we look at the current scenario of our country its education that will act as a real game changer if worked upon religiously other wise its impossible to pull up our nation from the quagmire of all ongoing major issues including terrorism.

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