Nasty societal stereotypes


I write this article addressing all fathers and brothers of our society, who consider women a sheer commodity, and who continue to maltreat them in one way or the other. It is addressed to all such brothers and fathers of our society, who snub women in one way or the other and always demoralize them.

Generally speaking, it is an evident lacunae of our society that women are constantly being treated as useless or disposable souls. They are usually dealt harshly, and are discriminated undue against men of our society. They are discouraged from pursuing their academic and career building interests whole-heartedly. They are intimidated of being shot dead or stifling their throat when they raise their voice and express their due desires to seek freedom in life. The women are subjected to aspect of coercion. In addition, it is indeed disillusioning to see that they are constantly made to live in the suffocated philosophy of “chaddar and chaar dewari” by the most evil retarded men of our societies, who despite being modern, educated and forward looking hold a parochial mindset with regard to women. Such men believe in suppressing the women in several ways. They discourage them from pursuing their career related interests passionately. They would even go to extremes of stopping them to take food even during extreme state of women pregnancy and menstruation. Besides, another evident happening is to deprive women from accessing the social media websites and other technological gadgets which they resort to for pursuing different activities.

It’s indeed heart-rending to see that the women of our society are looked upon as shame or shyness if they are unmarried till the age of 27 or beyond. The men especially the brothers and fathers would constantly push them to get married without even investigating the guy they chose for their marriage. The women are threatened to be murdered if they raise their concern and voice in denying the guy they have chosen for her marriage. They would fear the society more than Allah in this regard. This sounds indeed inhumane and callous! A women would be considered a bitch if she expresses adoration for a man, and expresses her desire to marry her! In contrast, a man would be dealt happily and gently if he adores a woman and expresses his desire to marry her!

Another major issue of grave concern is to see that the women are subjected to physical abuse on even trivial issues. They are given false labels of being psycho, or being subjected to a state of autism, hysteria or bipolar disorder. The men in order to conceal their weaknesses subject women to domestic abuse. Woe to such bloody men found in our society! They need to control themselves. Furthermore, another issue for which there is a need to raise voice is that the women should not be considered hapless creatures if they are not married till the age of 27 and beyond, if they are divorcees or if their commitments happened to break up. The women are capable of being self-sufficient and autonomous on their own. With due respect, I conclude this write-up with a solemn request to all such fathers and brothers to stop this tyranny. I request you all to stop considering yourself dictators of our society. Kindly please do not consider yourselves the lord of this transitory world. Let women breathe freely. Give them their due rights of expression, choice, and speech. I earnestly request to break up such abysmal stereotypes before its actually the time that these might be summoned in the court of law.




  1. Miss Ayza seems hurt in one way or other by her family members . This piece is more of lamentation of the woman in the closed and repressive society like ours. Education does not change the people and their ideas. Men have not changed. The are as erratic as before/ The rule the women's destiny. They hate their sisters and make it a matter of honor if these sisters express their interest in a man and desire to marry him. The domestic is widely prevalent in our society. Women are neglected in all spheres of life. They are subjected to unimaginable tortured and abuse just over trivial matters.

    The domestic and sexual abuse is the most common trait of these callous butchers. They have no respect for women folks. But they love to marry four or more women for seeking seual peasure. They are depraved animals not worthy of being even labeled as humans. women should stand up against them and fight for their rights. the rights are inalienable and necessary for the independence.

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