In order to ensure the implementation of special directives of Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pervaiz Khattak, Secretary Health Mushtaq Jadoon visited Swat and inspected the repair work in medical college costing an amount of Rs 9 million, repair work in central hospital costing Rs 7 million and upgradation of Saidu Group of teaching Hospital costing Rs 1,158 million.
Chairman DDAC Fazal Hakim Khan, Chief Executive Saidu group of teaching hospitals Dr Taj Muhammad Khan, SE C & W Building Circle Swat Engr. Aamir Nadeem Durrani, Xen C & W Engr Ghulam Mohidddin and DHO Swat Said Ali Khan were also present on the occasion.
The Secretary Health was briefed by S.E C&W and Chief Executive of Saidu Group regarding status of various health schemes. They said that cath lab will be completed during the next month while order for machinery for lab worth Rs 17 crore will be placed to the concerned companies of Japan.