Pakistan Today

Environment Day: Pakistan may face Rs 365b environmental degradation loss yearly

Like other parts of the globe, the World Environment Day will be celebrated in Pakistan on June 5, 2015, to raise awareness to take positive environmental action to protect nature and the planet earth.

Every year, the United Nations environment program honours the World Environment Day on June 5 to raise awareness about environmental issues and call for action. The UN environment program just announced the theme of this year’s event: sustainable lifestyles.

According to economic survey of Pakistan, Pakistan is faced with serious challenges of environmental pollution, land degradation, water, and air pollution. Freshwater/industrial pollution is mostly unchecked and may get worse unless economic activity is underpinned with sustainable development. Efforts are underway to attain goals of sustainable social and economic development, ensuring water, food, energy and environment securities, without over-exploiting forests and ecosystems. The government of Pakistan believes in the creation of opportunities for the present generation without compromising on the potential of future generations to meet their developmental needs.

Environmental degradation, air and water pollution, ozone layer depletion, deforestation, desertification, vanishing bio diversity and land degradation have resulted in climate change and ecological imbalance.

Experts estimates that environmental degradation may cost Pakistan’s economy over Rs 365 billion every year of which inadequate water supply, sanitation and hygiene accounts for Rs 112 billion, agricultural soil degradation Rs 70 billion, indoor pollution Rs 67 billion, urban air pollution Rs 65 billion, lead exposure Rs 45 billion and land degradation and deforestation Rs 6 billion.

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