As many as two death row prisoners have been hanged till death one each in Punjab and Balochistan jails early this morning, according to local media sources.
The convicted prisoner, Zulfiqar, was executed at Central Jail of Faisalabad at today’s daybreak. The criminal abducted and killed a taxi driver, Arshad 15 years ago, according to sources.
Other convicted killer, Muhammed Musa, was hanged at the gallows till his death in Quetta’s Machh prison in today’s small hours. Musa killed a man on Alamdar Road in 2005, authorities had stated.
Thank goodness; bless the security services; do not leave these guys and abandon Pakistan to chaos…….good job. If you get a major criminal don't leave them.
with Absar Alam's timeline.
Again I shall return to the theme of law and order, but first begin by acknowledging that the security services have started doing a stellar job and there appears to be a clear focus and determination on being very tough on major criminals. Recently, there was the AXACT financial fraud (I shall operate on the working assumption that indeed such a fraud did occur on a large scale). Clearly then, this is also a major crime and the question becomes what to do with the perpetrators of this fraud. By now, no one would be surprised were I to suggest execution of the top 2 or 3 criminals associated to this crime. A high profile case like this is exactly the sort of major crime where unambiguous messages need to be sent by the state. Convicted major criminals should understand that capital punishment will no longer be a theoretical possibility but a practical inevitability.
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