Tasmina Sheikh, former TV actress wins Scottish MP’s role


Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh, OBE is a Scottish National Party politician and Member of Parliament for Ochil and South Perthshire since May 2015, according to foreign media sources.

Former Pakistani TV actress Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh is now a Scottish MP, having won over two constituencies in Scotland in the 2015 UK elections.

Tasmina managed to secure 26,620 votes, and won with a clear majority, as reported by UK-based newspaper The Courier.

Ms Ahmed-Sheikh said: “I’d like to thank our outstanding campaign team and the tremendous work they have done in the last few weeks,” according to authorities.

A solicitor and businessperson, and a former actress, she is the founder and chair of the Scottish Asian Women’s Association.


    • Sir this is a big issue in Pakistan, in Pakistan a new trend has started and this is also encouraged by stupid Imran Khan, he says that any Pakistani who is holding foreign nationality will not be allowed to take part in the elections in Pakistan.

      Sir, pls tell me all those Pakistanis like Zardari, and other politicians who have no foreign nationality ,wear traditional dresses of Pakistan and speak Urdu more fluently than English are very loyal to this country? What have they done in this country since they become rulers?

      Atleast the Pakistanis living abroad send remiitance to Pakistan, how do you think the economy of Pakistan was performing when Zardari was the President?

  1. Your comment…congratulations to you your family and your party my dear sister GOD bless you

  2. Fahad what is the new trend started in Pakistan? and why do you call Imran as stupid? oh yes he is stupid he opened first ever Cancer Hospital, he is stupid he won the only worldcup for Pakistan, he is stupid he opened first university which offer's UK degrees, he is stupid who started first ever system where teacher's in school gets asked if they are absent and why they are absent, he is stupid because now first time ever you can do FIR from home (online), he is stupid who talks about election reforms, he is stupid that first time ever election rigging is getting proved??? and we are all intelligent people who just sit on our sofas and can call leaders who are honest we call them stupid???

    brother think that everything Imran Khan says, he is the only sincere leader you have…..

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