Sharif regrets India’s snub to peace overtures

  • PM says he sincerely wanted to put Indo-Pak relations in the right direction but New Delhi has shown no desire to resume dialogue process
  • Reiterates Pakistan’s unequivocal support to Saudi Arabia in Yemen conflict
  • Says Pakistan to effectively respond to any aggression against Saudi territorial sovereignty

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has regretted that despite Pakistan’s efforts for peaceful relations with India, there was no sign from the neighbouring country which suggests that New Delhi desires resumption of dialogue with Pakistan.

“We are making earnest efforts for friendly relations with all countries, particularly with our neighbours. I took an exceptional decision to attend the inaugural ceremony of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. I sincerely wanted to take the process of friendship with India forward from where it was interrupted during my last tenure,” he told Okaz/Saudi Gazette in an interview recently.

However, Sharif said that his desire for good neighbourly relations with India had not been reciprocated. “India unilaterally called-off the bilateral dialogue process on a frivolous pretext,” he added.

He said the Indian foreign secretary visited Pakistan recently as part of his tour of South Asian countries but there was no sign of India desiring resumption of dialogue with Pakistan. “We are ready to engage with India in a constructive dialogue for negotiated settlement of all issues, including Jammu and Kashmir,” he added.

Prime Minister Sharif said Kashmir was the core issue between Pakistan and India and Pakistan’s policy was based on principles that this issue should be resolved on the basis of relevant UN resolutions and aspirations of people of Kashmir.


Speaking on the Yemen conflict, Sharif reiterated that any aggression against Saudi Arabia would be dealt with strongly and effectively by Pakistan.

“….. I’m saying once again that any aggression on Saudi Arabia will be dealt with strongly and effectively,” the PM said, adding that Pakistan would strictly adhere to the UN Security Council’s resolution on Yemen.

About his visit to Saudi Arabia and his meeting with the Saudi leadership, the PM said that he assured the Saudi leadership that any violation of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Saudi Arabia would evoke a strong response from Pakistan.

He said that Pakistan and Saudi Arabia enjoyed brotherly relations and their deep-rooted friendship was based on common faith, history and culture.

Sharif said the UNSC resolution adopted on April 14, which provides a framework for early resolution of the crisis in Yemen, was driven by the vision of the Saudi leadership. “We are confident that this would be helpful in bringing an early end to the ongoing difficult situation in Yemen,” he added.

To a question about Pakistani parliament’s resolution, he said the resolution had not been interpreted in its correct perspective.


  1. Yes we tried, we tried hard to undermine our talks by inviting the Separatist Kashmiris as a 'good gesture' at the outset, we let go free the mastermind of the Mumbai attack and let others (non-state) terrorist roam free in our country. Yes we are serious about talks and improving the relationship with our neighbor. Wonder if this was to show our 'all weather friend' who may have pressurized us to resume talks?

    • Correct. Pakistanis think that Indians are fools and easily deceived. Pakistanis think that making speeches and raising sentimental and emotional slogans will somehow impress Indians. Pakistanis think that PM Modi is like Nawaz Sharif – a puppet who has to beg the military to stay in power. Improving relations with Nawaz Sharif is useless – he is nothing and nobody. Better to deal with Pakistani generals in the language they understand – not with puppets with no power or credibility.

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