Charlie Hebdo cartoonist says he will no longer draw Prophet (PBUH) cartoons


Cartoonist Luz, who drew Charlie Hebdo’s front cover picture following the massacre of the satirical weekly’s editorial team by militants in January, has told a French magazine he will no longer draw sacrilegious cartoons.

“I will no longer draw the figure of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). It no longer interests me,” he told Les Inrockuptibles magazine in an interview published on Wednesday. Luz’s cover image in January portrayed Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) with a sign saying “Je Suis Charlie” under the words “All is forgiven”.

The issue was published a week after militants had attacked the magazine’s office and killed 12 people. It had a print run of eight million — a record for the French press.

“The terrorists did not win,” Luz told Les Inrockuptibles.

“They would have won if the whole of France continues to be scared,” he added, accusing the far-right National Front of trying to stir up fear in the wake of the attacks.