Why am I ashamed of being a girl?


Remember the good old days when you could sit down with your family, all members included, and watch decent television? I most certainly do because nowadays it seems inconceivable. Only yesterday, I was watching the news on national television with my father when the commercials came on and I couldn’t meet his eyes for the rest of the evening.

I understand that the female menstrual cycle is a natural process and sanitary napkins are a social need but do we really need a group of adolescent girls performing on a choreographed number about the eight hour protection they provide? Their logic surpasses my understanding. These adverts talk about women empowerment and confidence when all they do is make me avert my eyes from the television and feel embarrassed of being a girl. What makes it worse is how catchy these jingles are. I have heard four year olds humming to the infamous ‘na daag, na darr’. 10/10 on your advertising skills there, if only you could make better use of them and put your point across in a less vulgar way.

It is my humble request to the authorities to take notice of the issue and make sure that decent material is aired, which is viewer friendly, at least on family channels so that our families can watch TV without any uncomfortable and mortifying silence.




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