PML-N’s bad habit


Keeping secrets

PPP’s word of caution for PML-N – that important aspects about the Pak-China Economic Corridor be made public – was timely, not the last because the ruling party has made a habit of keeping parliament, and indeed the public, in the dark about crucial matters. It was the same only recently with the LNG debate. For some reason, the government is bent upon keeping the final pricing with the Qataris a well-guarded secret. In that they not only violate the spirit behind representative democratic government, but also insult opposition lawmakers and people in general, whom they don’t consider worthy of being kept in the loop.

But the Corridor is a different cup of tea altogether. Mian sb will quickly find out that this is no Lahore-Islamabad motorway; where he could play godfather to party loyalists lobbying for ‘improvements’ in the final approved route – no doubt so it could pass closer to their lands than the original blueprint. The Corridor is the bedrock of President Xi’s master-plan. And since the plan includes not only reorienting the Chinese working economic model, but also integrating the Middle Kingdom with everything all the way to Europe, it is essential for Beijing, to say the least, that there are no unforeseen lapses in its planning and execution.

Also, since China has been such a good friend, especially now with the billions pouring in, it would not be prudent to leave a bitter aftertaste in President Xi’s mouth, that too owing to an uncommon peculiarity of the ruling N-league. The Peoples Party is right that PML-N has no right or justification for keeping such important matters secret. What could possibly be debated within the kitchen cabinet that cannot be shared with the Assembly or the people? Why does the government associate unnecessary controversy with such an important project? Instead of leading to more confrontation and another possible Kalabagh Dam scenario, the government is urged to bring the matter into the open and encourage debate. It would be unforgivable if the N-league’s bad habits embarrass Islamabad and affect a project that is bound to bring benefits to all across the region.